Reviews for with the constancy of tides (that's how i'll love you)
Tracey Claybon chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
Ignore the troll - I enjoyed the story. They have a new one posted up - you can also restrict reviews to signed in users only. If they get abusive when signed in, send a copy of the review to the admins and they get banned... Trolls that review anonymously are just plain envious and likely talentless cowards...
JollyRoger1 chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
Well done.
annonymouslyblonde chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
I'm not sure what this guest reviewer is on, but this was brilliant! I loved the fic and thought it was very original with the mermaid lore! In all honesty, I feel if a person won't sign his or her name to a negative (nonconstructive) review, the person is only trying to fluff his or her own self. You keep your head high, dear. You are handling the situation very well and are a fantastic writer!
Cockjawea chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Wow. Okay Drama Queen. Anyway. Your story just sucks, it's not original. And the grammar isn't too good either.

I'd appreciate it if you responded back
perfectlyrose chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
What exactly do you want? First you vaguely accuse me of copying without telling me what you thought I was copying. (And to the best of my knowledge, I did not copy a thing. I was prompted with a mermaid au so I wrote one without even looking up specific mermaid lore). Then you moved straight into insulting me AND one of my friends because I removed the review that falsely accused me of plagiarism and then the later profanity laden reviews.

So please, actually tell me what your problem is with my fic so we can both move on with our lives.
Cockjawea chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Honestly, just talk to me in the comments
Loca8892 chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
This was just so adorable! I can totally imagine eight and Rose during this AU. And that ending was really perfect. I really do enjoy these short stories of yours very much! 3
Authorwithoutaquill chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
Thank you darling once again, this is absolutely fabulous! I have no idea what the reviewer is on about either, but I think the story's wonderfully original and something we haven't seen with Eight yet. The ending's perfect as well.
lyannaes chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
I love this! Just a genuinely nice read tbh ️
Kathryn Hart chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
I swear to everything after waiting YEARS for someone to write a mermaid AU I finally started my own a few weeks ago! I could tell you the date and exact time I started it if I had my notebook with me but I don't (I'm not at home). Haha but thankfully mine is WAY different than yours. More like a shipwrecked AU, mysterious and also Nine/Rose. However I don't know if mine can reach the brilliance of yours ;)
Love the story, especially the end (heart) :D
Pegasusfeather7 chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
I love this so very much! thanks for sharing!
Endelda chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
I'm not sure what the other reviewer thinks you copied, unless they're outraged that you didn't invent the idea of a human/merperson romance.

I thought this was a lovely story from start to finish, very wistful but still with lots of romance and whimsy.

Loved it! :-D