Reviews for Running From My Heart
YugiKitten chapter 5 . 6/26/2016
Ok Well " She was protecting chat" didn't make any sense there
Saying chat donated the money would not have made a difference in his identity or dignity. By keeping it secret from Aliya she is in no way actually protecting Chay
So that's not the right conclusion to draw from that action...
I'm surprised Gabriel took the time to even speak with him
A few k$ should not make a difference
And if he did he probably would've still used nathalie as a proxy instead of talking with his son directly
YugiKitten chapter 2 . 6/24/2016
Lol Boulangerie and Pâtisserie are types of stores neither of them are a name. You basically said "Do you know Bakery and Pastry shop?" It's like which one? Rofl
Hm I don't remember them mentioning a name in the series but I think the bakery might exist I'll
You should Google it for next time :3
YugiKitten chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Ok well I'm assuming this is January because
1 December means cookies and cakes and gingerbread and Christmas parties, meaning they would have enough orders to keep them busy and we'll into business. Christmas is one of the best holidays for a bakery
2 February means valentine's and valentine's means love and couples and pastries and cakes and chocolates and lots and lots of cookies from one gender to the other. Meaning another busy seas on for bakers (and chocolatiers but yeah)

So then mooving onto the next thing one cup of chocolate for a couple seems like a bad idea. First of arundel one will have to watch the other drink and will have to buy their own if they wish to join the arendllctivity. And if the hey share, A small cup of hot chocolate is not gonna be enough for 2 people, meaning one of them will have to buy another one meaning the customer would get slightly aggravated.
Ithe just seems like a bad business decision.
Pastries wise croissants are pretty crappy parties to keep you warm. They're flaky and have many air layers in between thus become cold very fast. I really wish you would've researched better Pastries for the purpose.
I would've suggested something like 2 Pastries or drinks for the price of one or if the person buys 2 pastries and a drink they can up size their drink for free (2 straws included) or the traditional special for a reduced price.

The special seems quite forced tbh
Like it was mean for a specific plot line instead of making sense in the fanfictions world
Guest chapter 16 . 4/23/2016
This story is the best i hope to read more soon. I like the romance between the mane charters and how they are falling in love so fast but still not so fast that you would be like this sucks the story is over. #1 Fan
jaq.dimbu chapter 16 . 4/21/2016
Loved it and hope you can write another chapter soon.
Love bug chapter 16 . 4/20/2016
This is quality work I loveit soooooo much and I can't wait to read more :)
Love bug chapter 2 . 4/20/2016
I cringed so much at this wow chat messed up really bad
Guest chapter 4 . 4/20/2016
I totally thought it was Chloe and then it was chat noir
maybe baybe chapter 16 . 4/20/2016
haha shes gonna call ~Adrien~
MitsuruSenpaii chapter 16 . 4/20/2016
Wow, chill your life Marinette, no need to die on over reacting. I mean, even if Adrien would have understand that card as "love letter", what then? Will Marinette forever just stare and stutter at Adrien? Will she wait until Adrien find himself another girl as girlfriend? Then it's too late for regrets. So I rly don't understand what's the big deal.
AND OMFG JERKS. Didn't thought I would ever read something about Jerks.
And again: Alya is doing the right thing. Good, the speech with the photo was somewhat wrong, had have go terrible wrong. But jet, it's important not to just sit still and wait until there gone. Bc, if you just ignore guys like that, they start eventually touching you. I experienced that way too often, wish I had the guts and/or a friend like Alya.
So, even if Marinette ticks out I hope Alya calls for Adrien. Would make sense since Adrien also like Jagged Stone.

Away from Marinette's kinda overreacting it was a sure nice chapter! I love your fic!
KaliAnn chapter 16 . 4/20/2016
major drama in this one. Ugh I would have been upset with Alya too
HannahDelaware123321 chapter 15 . 4/13/2016
I binge read this story so hard! please continue I loved it so much!
DJMirnum chapter 13 . 4/12/2016
Awww Marinette; Adrien why didn't you hug the poor girl?
MitsuruSenpaii chapter 15 . 4/12/2016
GOOOOOOOOOOD! I think I never read such an nice almost kiss scene like this, my entire being is burning & carving for more - how could you do this to me? ;-;
I hate it when the mind is stronger then the feelings...

But, wait - freckles? Every one believes she had some, but I never see one? And I have freckles, I love freckles - so why won't I see them? ;;
Sunny ver 2.0 chapter 15 . 4/12/2016
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