Reviews for Klarion's Revenge
Guest chapter 3 . 7/13
That was insanely good. I am shooketh
ammstar11 chapter 3 . 4/3
Loved it, do you think it would be possible to have a follow up where Klarion finds out about the new abilities and decides to make this work for him to by awakening someone else maybe some powerful person that had ticked him off in the past but he puts a control spell on them and sends them after Robin.
Jade chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Ally chapter 3 . 7/28/2017
Sent him to hell and he came back with superpowers . Ain't that a bitch
Guest chapter 3 . 6/11/2017
Really great story! The search for Robin's soul was very nice and I love how you represented the core of his character. And the twist of making him metahuman is very interesting.
WhenInDoubtLeave chapter 3 . 2/9/2017
this is great! it would be even better if you did a sequal, maybe just a oneshot, but yeah, showing the team maybe it would also be cooler if it was his entire body instead of just the arm. so oneshot? Klarion's reaction would be hilarous!
Aviendha Aviendha Aviendha chapter 3 . 12/7/2016
Excellent! It reminds me of the scene in one of the Wizard of Oz books where the gnome king turns Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tinman, Ozma, Tik-tok, and all the others into ornaments and lets them guess which one is right one at a time. If they get one right, then they are turned back. If every one of their guesses is wrong (they get one guess per person transformed) then in the end they themselves are turned into a knickknack. Billina the chicken eventually succeeds by listening from under the gnome king's throne and then threatening him with eggs.
XYZArtemis chapter 3 . 8/17/2016
I really liked this story. It is very interesting.
Adrianna Agray chapter 3 . 3/26/2016
That was so cool! Loved it : )
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 3 . 3/1/2016
ARL15 chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
I really thought you did an amazing job writing Klarion and he is not an easy character to write. It was great to see an actual villain from the show in a story, especially a villain that doesn't get a lot of attention in fanfiction. Also I love Teekl, so I was happy you included Teekl!

One part of this story that had me laughing, was when Klarion went on a rant about how much he hated Robin. Just the way you wrote it, was very entertaining and definitely in character for Klarion! Of course everytime Klarion threw a fit over not getting his way, I had to laugh.

I thought this story had a very original idea with the spell that Klarion put on Robin. The inanimate object being an essence of someone's soul was a very creative idea that I can tell you put a lot of thought into. I really love how this story showed just how much Wally and Dick know each other, since Wally was able to figure out that Robin's soul was actually a chandelier. I really did love that idea, if it was up to Robin he wouldn't be planted on the ground. Seriously, those two had a very epic bromance in this story!

I really enjoyed reading this story! Good Work!
Black Friar chapter 3 . 2/20/2016
This was an extremely original piece of fiction. I really enjoyed the whole idea of magic transforming a person into an object representative of their soul, and then Wally having to find Robin’s soul out of literally thousands of objects – it’s one of the most original concepts I’ve seen in fanfiction. I also thought you created a very interesting portrayal of Klarion: he was capricious, childish and cruel, much like he was on the show, and his fixating on Robin for an imagined slight felt like something a Lord of Chaos would do.

I very much enjoyed the opening sequence with the team watching the zoo. Wally and Robin’s little exchange was perfectly in line with their relationship and characters – the banter and Robin’s impatience…just perfect. And I laughed when Kaldur came over the mind link looking for a status report and Robin replied with “all quiet here. Except Wally.” Actually, the whole story had some excellent exchanges such as this one:

Klarion laughed. “Yes, but you, I like. So rude, so uncontrollable, so primal. Not too far from a Lord of Chaos at all!”
“Screw you,” Superboy snapped, “and come a little closer. I’d love to see if a Lord of Chaos can be beat to a pulp.”

I really enjoyed that bit of banter, and thought it was very nicely written.

I thought the punishments Klarion devised for each team member were painfully nasty giving their personalities, but I found Wally’s especially horrible. To not be able to eat anything but sugar which would only create a vicious cycle of hunger and thirst that he won’t be able to relieve…I thought that was vicious given Wally’s speedster metabolism. And turning Robin into an object! The way you wrote him melting into nothing was so chilling and frightening – great bit of writing.

But for me, the best bit of the story was Wally searching for Robin’s soul as an object in a roomful of objects. Wally’s desperation and determination came across really well in the writing, and I thought it showed the relationship between them beautifully as well as highlighting how well they knew each other. It was hands down my favourite part of the story and I liked that Robin turned into a beautiful chandelier – it made sense that he would be something in the air!

Last, I like how it took time for Robin to come out of the spell as that really made sense after being turned into an inanimate object. It felt more real than a sudden ‘everything is okay again’. However, I would have preferred if Robin wasn’t left with a superpowered arm as I love the fact that he’s human and yet can still keep up with his team. But I did like that you made reference to Nightwing when Robin thought about a new name and costume – possibly coloured in black and blue - to match his arm. That was some clever foreshadowing right there. :)
Arrowcomix chapter 3 . 2/14/2016
This story was so cool! I think the best thing about it was how unique it was. You're writing definitely has your own style in it, and it stands out in a really neat way! I LOVED how you wrote Klarion~ He totally made me laugh through the story. And the dialogue was really good too. And all the characters were spot on! As for the third chapter, that's an interesting idea, turning Dick into a meta in a way. I love the concept that his soul is unbreakable. Totally awesome! Anyway, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this story.
LavenderBlossom74 chapter 3 . 2/12/2016
LavenderBlossom74 chapter 2 . 2/12/2016
I'm probably gonna get massacred for this but I love klarion;);) he's just so funny! But NOOOOOO ROBBBBBBBB
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