Reviews for What we choose to forget
libra-no-ninja9 chapter 21 . 10/8/2016
There are too many things to be said about your fanfiction, Then I am going to make it simple, for me who am French and who reads English fictions, I find that yours splendidly made a success. The way you alternated the story, the characters of which you developed in a original and very different way from the manga, I think all of that was a great and original idea. You really made me feel anxiety, sorrow and sadness through your fiction. To see subjects so grave and still so present in our world treated in that fiction and how our favorite ninjas go through this, it really affected me. Brief, magnificent work you did.
Ashamaphone chapter 21 . 4/19/2016
I haven't forgotten this story; still looking forward to the last chapter.
naruhinakiralacus chapter 21 . 3/10/2016
So glad Naruto finally opened up. Looking forward to next chapter! So sad it's almost over...but I'm looking forward to your next Naruto stories
Ashamaphone chapter 21 . 3/7/2016
It is nice to see him start to move on. Nice imagery with destroyed pendant.
naruhinakiralacus chapter 20 . 2/26/2016
Whoa...did not see that coming...well now Naruto can't deny he's not fine Looking forward to next chapter!
naruhinakiralacus chapter 19 . 2/24/2016
Glad Naruto is finally acknowledging everyone's concerns for him and he's ready to get better. I wonder what steps he will take for the emotional recovery, especially since it won't be easy. Looking forward to next chapter!
naruhinakiralacus chapter 18 . 2/24/2016
Alright Naruto! Standing up to Kyo!
Ashamaphone chapter 19 . 2/21/2016
I read this all in one go last night and I knew I wanted to give a review especially since this has been woefully underreviewed but I needed some time to absorb it all and form something coherent. First off, excellent job. While there are several points where there is some spelling and other minor grammar issues, they are rare enough to not detract from this tale you have woven. You have tactfully managed to delve into this very serious and all too real issue of child sexual abuse. I have heard it said that molestation is a process of seduction and you captured that well. Everything that Naruto went through was heartbreaking to read and it really punctuated the trauma that so many people, children and adults alike, endure. It was especially distressing how all the people around Naruto had so many signs that there was something desperately wrong but did not pursue it until it was much too late. Unfortunately, that is too common in real life. Overall, a disturbing yet well executed read. I look forward to the completion of this fic and your future projects.
Guest chapter 19 . 2/20/2016
How much further do you think you can continue with this story? Im far too invested for it to end soon ;-;
javi30 chapter 18 . 2/19/2016
lack of interaction with adults, love the innocence of a child, idetificarte with a child to the point of wanting to do his, his naru chan, well certainly a very realistic way of thinking as a pedophile .
AresLaw chapter 17 . 2/17/2016
Gdamn...this one is hitting me hard. My heart if full of feels and dammit if I'm not drawn into this fic. I await future chapters wholeheartedly.
naruhinakiralacus chapter 16 . 2/16/2016
I love the protective and caring Kurama in this chapter.
naruhinakiralacus chapter 17 . 2/16/2016
Whoa! Cliffhanger! What happened to Naruto? Looking forward to next chapter!
thor94 chapter 17 . 2/15/2016
finally the rookie know the truth about the fox.
kyo is a confusing character, we don't know if he is good or bad.
thor94 chapter 16 . 2/15/2016
wow, really cute and touching how kyuubi protect naruto
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