Reviews for Chicken Heart
ColonelJayWrites chapter 8 . 6/29
Well, damn, indeeed. *huff* I'm somehow out of breath. Man...
ColonelJayWrites chapter 6 . 6/29
Man, that dining scene at first was AWKWARD. My neck literally retreated deeper into my torso. Like a turtle. As I read and visualized, every "Sowas exaggerated and man! Good job on making me really cringe. Not as in bad writing, but as an actual plot device. Props to ya.

Thankfully, Sailor Moon saved the conversation, albeit temporarily. Still, though, Mike in that outfit would look hillarious!

I don't have the skills but hopefully someone draws that as fanart. XD

And man, I was internally squealing when Mike kissed Chica, but then the panic set in. Can't blame Chica for panicking, though, she's been under too much stress, expectations and burdens. Anyone's bound to panic and (potentially) break when something like that happens.

Wow, I haven't written a review this long in a while. Good job. :3
ColonelJayWrites chapter 5 . 6/29
This was some good interaction. Is it too much to ask for more day staff interaction? Mike needs some friends. :3
thx chapter 7 . 9/13/2019
why does this always happen?
thx chapter 6 . 9/13/2019
i'm curious if the missing children will have a bigger affect later?
Moony chapter 8 . 6/20/2016
I miss your stories! Please update.
(Pluse, if I can't read, I'm stuck doing chores )
DONGERDINGDONGER chapter 8 . 6/2/2016
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Stormking32 chapter 5 . 5/1/2016
Dear Alpha,

I love this series. Thank you for all you have done for it and us. I understand you have pressure in your life and in the words of Goldie/Golden/Freda, you and I are not so different. I will be losing my data at 12:00 tonight because my cousin cannot afford to pay the $300 something bill that comes with her and my phone. I love this fic, I love the synths, I love Mike and David, (No homo plz) I love Goldie, and I love the storytelling, and I love pretty much every aspect of this fic. Thank you for giving me final perspective on fanfiction before I am gone for a few months before I get back on my feet. Now that I think about it, there was an opening for Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria...

Be strong, be swift, be just, your biggest fan, Fazboy32.
Flyingshadow451 chapter 8 . 3/12/2016
Another great work! I hope everything wraps up nicely for your final year and this is late, but Happy Birthday!
The Ben Who Must Not Be Named chapter 8 . 3/8/2016
Ok, seriously. Mike’s in the wrong, I know! But I still think everyone is judging him far harsher than they should. This is not as bad as what everyone is making it to be!
Golden’s right. Chica doesn’t need a boyfriend… ugh. I hate this situation because the feelings swapped people. You know, if I were Mike’s friend, I’d be like, ‘Don’t listen to anyone, because all anyone is doing is confusing you!’
See? Chica doesn’t even care! The only one who doesn’t care too deeply about this Mike issue is Chica herself! Everyone else is making this way too big of a deal!
Nevermind, now Chica cares. At least she has a reason to overreact.
Ok, seriously, I get that everyone is overprotective of Chica, but this is completely ridiculous! I get that Mike made Chica run, I get he kissed her, I get it! But the ONLY one who should be REMOTELY harsh is Chica herself. Freddy and Bonnie shouldn’t be saying, ‘we’ll be lenient’. The only one who deserves to punish Mike at all is Chica.
I want to meet this Wendy! Also, I guess things ended ok, but I still think things could have gone better.
…Best end to a story ever. Thank you Golden. You are now the best character in this one. (Foxy, you’re still my all-time favorite, but Golden’s a close second.) Over, great story and I can’t wait for the next one!
The Ben Who Must Not Be Named chapter 7 . 3/8/2016
Geez, this is way late. Sorry man, busy is busy.
And I’m back to being annoyed by Bonnie. Then again, I’m annoyed Mike tried to kiss Chica, but I digress. Bonnie’s one of those people I can enjoy, but not all the time.
And Mike sums up my feelings. Yeah, Mike did something stupid. We’re guys. We all do stupid things! But is Chica running off all his fault? Pfft, he’s only a small part of it! If anything, the one I’m pinning most of the blame here is Bonnie. Golden’s trying. Not very hard, but at least she’s trying.
Ok, so Bonnie has something I have that I hate. We both tend to be angry at others and blame for the problems of ourselves and others. I hate that part of me, so that’s why I’m annoyed by Bonnie so much.
Oh Bonnie. I start to find you annoying and then you go and make me like you again.
Mike, bad idiot! Although… while Mike isn’t blameless… I feel as though everyone is treating him worse than what he actually is.
Great chapter!
Fairyhaven13 chapter 8 . 3/2/2016
Moony chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
well first: happy late birthday.

Second:Chica,I'm sad you think you're the problem with you and mike.

Third:as always alpha,you're making you're stories extremely interesting.

I'll see ya later, -moony
Mobslayer chapter 8 . 2/15/2016
*Corrupted save* every gamers worst nightmare. I'm reading this in bed at 12:44 a.m. and had to bite my blanket so I wouldn't wake my parents with my laughter. I lobe how it was Golden's _second_ guess
f3arsentinel chapter 8 . 2/15/2016
Great story! I love your interpretation of all the characters and I eagerly await the next installment.
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