Reviews for World's End
bjq chapter 14 . 3/3
reader2020 chapter 1 . 2/29
Sorry couldn't get past the first chapter, the moment i realised this is some magic crossover the story makes absolutely no sense. I thought we will see the world's end in a world without stargate expedition, instead it goes on about demons magic and whatever the hell else it goes for.
buffy fan chapter 2 . 4/29/2019
dawn is lateen, lets get those memories back.
buffy fan chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
awesome start.
CCSakuraforever chapter 14 . 4/5/2019
Esta muy bueno la historia mas como fue la llegada de los espectros a ese mundo sin sg1 mas la ayuda de gente de otra linea de tiempo para detenerlos mas como termino la guerra
MrBogus chapter 14 . 10/16/2018
Nice story. I really liked your alternate timeline thingy here :)
djmegamouth chapter 9 . 5/2/2018
That is awesome.
djmegamouth chapter 2 . 5/2/2018
I love how connect your verses are.
Armiture chapter 14 . 11/20/2016
So in this universe the Alteran used the Ark of Truth to destroy the Ori. Or at least weaken them enough to commit genocide with a Sangraal type superweapon. The Noctura sound new to me but in any case I look forward to the sequel.
Armiture chapter 12 . 11/19/2016
I really should have mentioned this earlier when the Tok'ra found out the Wraith were connected to Earth's Stargate. Only the Stargate at Atlantis could dial outside of Pegasus so the borrowed Pegasus Stargate would only be useful for communication with and escape back to Pegasus.

If this is fanon and not canon then I have misrecalled it. In any case I have been enjoying the various plot butterflys in the story.
TheVampireStrahd chapter 14 . 7/23/2016
This was great. I like how you tied all the storylines together and brought the story to conclusion. Looks like you've set this up for a sequel too. Well done.
kenn.davis.56 chapter 14 . 7/23/2016
I like history, and this chapter reads like a recitation of historical events, nice. Ties up individual storylines amidst the events of the galaxy at large.

I sense you are going to start a new plot concerning the Nocturna. I googled that and got a movie about vampires, an animated movie about the stars going out, a female DC Comics character that once fought against Batman but eventually married Bruce Wayne, and an Australian scented candles company.

I don't think any of these are your Nocturna.
spiritedghost chapter 13 . 4/30/2016
This is by far one of the best stories, crossovers, written. You can tell a lot of thought, planning, time and energy went into it. As well as love. Keep up the excellent work. I give you a 10 out of 10.
kenn.davis.56 chapter 13 . 4/21/2016
Just wondering if someone is going to ascend to go up against Anubis, like Willow did with Adria in AEM?
Just realised how fragile crystal technology is. It's always breaking, always as a plot device but if this were the real world we'd abandon it for anything that required rugged use, or at least have multiple spares within arms reach.
James Birdsong chapter 13 . 4/21/2016
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