Reviews for Can't Remember To Forget You
bakayaro onna chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
Your underground descriptions feel so real!

Sanji, stop messing with poor Zoro and tell him why you are there, tearing out the poor Marimo's heart! You are the reason he does what he does now! What will happen when you find out you are the cause of all this heartache and destruction?

GREAT work!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
This series is really good. I wonder if Zoro will ever have his happy ending :\
ScriptedScarlet chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
I stumbled upon "Habits" on Ao3 and was very impressed and surprised by such an unusual take of involving Zoro with Doffy's family. I assumed it was a standalone piece until I came upon this, which I enjoyed even more. Sex and drugs are usually not what I go for in my One Piece fics, but you have me...oh dear, no pun intended, but you have me hooked. I'm a sucker for anything involving Doffy's family and not just Doffy himself, so it's interesting to see them in this kind of an AU. I love what you're doing with Baby 5. I hope there will be more!
NaruHinaLuvr13 chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
God damn the angst is strong
maychewn chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
this was very hard to read at first cause I really not a fan of drags, it's hard for me to read about this thing too. but your fanfic really Capture me. I love the way you write Zoro, poor thing! and Sanji and even baby. I really like the way you write I hate drags
still, I wish to know what happen next, but I know I will never know.
I fear that Zoro too addicted already and end up dead someday from overdose, from the way he think in the very end.
and I think Sanji was murdered or Kidnapped or worse or just come back to conis. I hope it's the last, at last he would be alive with her and wall.
this story is very harsh and sad on drags, but I really glad I could read your amazing writing. thank you so much for writing this!