Reviews for The Girl in the Forest
Guest chapter 11 . 9/22/2017
fantastic ending !
Guest chapter 3 . 9/21/2017
loved it! especially the ending, I love how open Maleny is :D
Guest chapter 2 . 9/21/2017
loved it! great chapter! I'm loving the interaction between Klaus and Maleny. u capture his character very well
Guest chapter 5 . 7/9/2017
loved it! great chapter I love Mal, she so sassy. and I love that you don't tell the tv story verbatim. Looking forward to reading more :D
Happy Dreaming chapter 30 . 2/19/2017
What an amazing journey you took me on! Totally fantastic story! You completely rock!
Now on to the sequel! Lol!
Guest chapter 29 . 2/4/2017
CJ/OddBall: OK...Klaaauus...I'm glad that you biting Mal was part of the plan cause I literally felt very betrayed that he did that until it was found out it was part of the plan. I literally wanted to beat the heck out of him and then stake him for that...OOOOH WHO AM I KIDDING...I still very much want to do that to him anyway! (-_-)
And you are very welcome cause it is the very complete truth! :) Wait...Only One More Chapter...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Maaaaaaaaaaaaan! :(
aussieKayz chapter 28 . 2/2/2017
I absolutely love this story. So look forward to you uploading more chapters
Guest chapter 28 . 1/21/2017
CJ/OddBall: Waaaaahoooooooo Maleny Is Back Yay! :D I find it funny and ironic how bad guys in TV shows or movies say that someone you care for or hold dear is your greatest weakness and yet they are always really the greatest motivation and your greatest strength. It's like fate is sticking their tongue out at the bad guys and saying "oh I'm sorry, you were saying." :)
You and your new popping up OCs actually remind me of another Fanfic author by the name 'LizzeXX.' LizzeXX has OCs popping up in their head every once in awhile too...sometimes out of the blue. LizzeXX is an amazing writer along with other Fanfic authors and you, my friend, are right alongside with them! :)
Guest chapter 27 . 1/8/2017
CJ/OddBall: Oh yeah Elijah is definitely gonna get a bite in the butt..."no fury like a woman scorned" kinda bite to be precise. :o Geeze with all those body swappings Mal is going through...I wouldn't be surprised if in the future her and Klaus try very hard to make the spell extinct forever and to be sure it could never be used again. I mean that's what would try and do if I was in Mal's situation. :/ Happy belated Christmas and happy belated new year to you too! Hope you had fun and enjoyed yourself. :) Whaat...more OCs for CW and I thought my brain never stopped going! (O_o)
Guest chapter 26 . 12/10/2016
CJ/OddBall: O...M...G! (O.O) That is a shocking twist! TWINS!? (O_o) Klaus and Mal were shocked they had a son but to find out that they have a daughter alongside that so as well!?...Ai CARUMBA! (O_O) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Also have fun at your Uncles! :)
Guest chapter 25 . 12/6/2016
CJ/OddBall: P.S. telling you about 'Doctor Strange' in this P.S. review incase you don't see my review for "My Dear Enemy. :) 'Doctor Strange' was Awesome and i asked my Mom if I Could See It Again *Yaaaay* but if you are prone to motion sickness or seizures, either don't see it or bring a friend. :/ Some scenes are insane and crazy fast and I believed that I definitely would've puked and pass out if I was in Strange's position or it was crazy dude! (O_o) I'm amazed Strange didn't puke or pass out from them so I'll say that I'm Very Impressed with him. :)
Cause I was expecting him to puke or pass out and he should've, yes he may be surgeon and yes has seen injuries and done things most of us can't stomach, but...what he went through in those 'crazy fast scenes'...'surgery experience' and 'surgeon iron will' does not compare to that and anyone would've/should've had a reaction like they went through an insane roller coaster ride but he didn't and stayed strong and I have to tip my hat to him even though I'm not wearing one at the moment! :)
Guest chapter 12 . 12/1/2016
great reunion chapter!
Guest chapter 11 . 12/1/2016
fantastic chapter!
Guest chapter 25 . 11/27/2016
CJ/OddBall: This chapter is heartwrenching. To find out you had a son you couldn't remember and the other not no knowing he had a son at all. :'( Oooh a twist next chapter..."I'm In!" :D Also, even though where I'm from we've already celebrated Thanksgiving, I'm going to say it to you anyway "Happy Thanksgiving To You!" :)
Guest chapter 24 . 11/12/2016
CJ/OddBall: *GAAAAAASP!*...This so called...'Him'...he's Klaus and Mal's...unknown son...isn't...he!? ISN'T HE!? (O.O) NOW I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT TO WAIT TWO WEEKS TO FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING! I usually have patience but now..."OOH DOCTOR BRING YOUR TARDIS NOW PLEASE!" If 'Him' is...maybe Mal was put through the 'Amelia thing'...what Amelia in Doctor Who went through?! Or maybe they kept her awake and then whipped her memory and then did the 'body switch spell'?! Or maybe it's something she just doesn't remember yet!? Maleny Sleepso!? (O_O) "Good sleep" as in going to bed sleep...or as in 'body switch sleep'? Or do you mean...a "Bad Sleep"!? (o.o)
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