Reviews for Dead Men Rise Up Sometimes
HPowl chapter 1 . 8/11/2019
I adore the dialogue in this, it fits every character perfectly - even Dumbledore who's one of my favourites in this! The idea for this story is brilliant and original for the Potterverse. I only wish you'd tied up all the lose ends, particularly about whether Lily ever tells James she killed their parents, and what the dynamic between Lily, James, Sirius and Remus is like now that Riddle is in jail.
writeringoodfaith chapter 1 . 4/27/2019
Ahhh I liked this. I really liked this part:
"Pettigrew should have died," he said, "rather than betray you."

He looked up to lock eyes with James.

There was a moment early on after meeting certain individuals—very few, in James's experience—where the other person indicated, in some small way, a core connection to James's most deeply held thoughts and beliefs. Like fireflies winking at each other in the dark of night, Sirius's comment served as a signal that in at least one regard, he and Sirius were of the same breed.

I also saw that some people weren’t a huge fan of this story. But I disagree! It’s a bit of a different and dark subject matter but I actually loved that because it kind of made it more canon. You also did that thing again where I got so caught up in your story I forgot that Peter was the betrayer so that was awesome! (I do this for very good AUs. I forget that Tom Riddle is the bad guy hahaha). It bothers me a bit that she never told James about her father/ his mother’s death. Also the intricacies of not being able to touch but still be in a physical relationship is hard for me to imagine. But happy they got there nonetheless! As I quoted above, I think my favourite part of this story is probably Sirius and James. Thanks for another amazing fic!
Aphrodite in Disguise chapter 1 . 12/23/2018
This left me with so many questions. Who died for Algernon? How did James react when Lily told him how their parents died? How did Remus and Minerva react to, well, everything? Did Jily tell them the whole truth? And did Sirius and James end up as proper mates? What about Sirius and Remus? How did Jily's relationship work out with no touching, long term? It seems unrealistic that they never actually came in contact. These questions will keep me awake at night. Even as I type this, I'm already dreaming of companion pieces.
My raging curiosity aside, I thought this story was awesome. I don't usually read Muggle AUs, but this worth breaking my self imposed rule for.
Marilee Susan Way chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
To the author: I'm a HUGE fan of your work, but I have to admit, this story is my least favorite among your offerings. I liked the dialogue at first, but somehow the back-and-forth got tiring and I didn't feel like it meshed well with the deeper emotional aspects of the story, ya know, death and betrayal, etc. I was extremely intrigued by the idea at first, and I was really interested in the, no touching or you die rule, and franky I was more interested in that aspect than in the mystery itself. I admit, I skipped most of this story because I was bewildered and uncomfortable with the style, and then I read the end and it seems like they really never do touch. Also, the killing Fletcher thing doesn't make sense to me (probably because I skipped the middle, but still it rankles). Just wondering what went wrong with this one? Was I the only one that felt this way?

Also, I should probably clarify: I have read most of your stories and they are friggin fantastic. You, author, are supremely talented. I'm just genuinely curious what it is that made this one fall flat. (And is it just me that thinks so?) Keep up the great work, despite this story not being to my taste, I still think it is well-written and definitely within the top 1% of stories on this site. (Probably more like top .1%, but I consider your other stories to be within the top .01%)
blueandnoah chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
Ohhh this is so much fun (even though it's also dark - a good balance)! I loved a lot of the small details and lines and things but one that sticks with me is Albus' "light step reminds me to step lightly" line, whatever it was (also he was hilarious). Also I like how you dealt with Peter's betrayal. I never really read fics that make it at all plausible that he betrayed James; and somehow I never made the connection that he was (or could have been) threatened. All in all a good read!
novemberthird chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
my darling children; also praises for writing this much, like goals tbh
GinevraFangirl chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
Wow.. This is certainly a very unique crossover. Amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
Omggggg I have all the feels. I loved this show so much and was so sad it was canceled. I again have so many questions about where it could have gone.

Do you think they'd try in vitro for Harry? ;)
AMProngs chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
This was absolutely fun! I loved it! Such an enjoyable and captivating story!
I'm a bit disappointed in myself that I didn't figure out the mystery of the cat. I seriously didn't until she told him! Very disappointed in myself!

I have a question for you, who died for the cat? Also I was waiting for James reaction to what exactly happened with his mom but oh well, I've been waiting for JK's marauder book. Lol. You don't always get what you want.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
This was FANTASTIC! I loved Lily and James' chemistry, the mystery and Omg, disgruntled beautiful Sirius. And when they made out? Who knew that cling film could be so hot? That was so good, it made me want to rewatch all of Pushing Dasies! X
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
AMAZING story! Beautiful too! I'd forgotten about that show but you brought two amazing things together seamlessly great job!
Heather S Black chapter 1 . 5/11/2017
Love love love it!
I would love to read more of anything you write. Always peg Lily and James so perfectly.
Ee chapter 1 . 5/3/2017
Weird but cool
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2017
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