Reviews for every mountain, every valley
inklingdrop chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
jesus christ i'm sitting here in my bed and SOBBING. this was so well written and the message and execution was just perfect. definitely one of my favorite fics to this day.
P.J chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
wow. just... wow. now i understand why. why life is hard when you lose somebody you love, living or dead. i have suffered both. thank you for finally helping me understand. what i dont understand is why my friends, who knew i relied on them, left me without a second thought. why do people have to leave, go away and leave you broken and bleeding? ( my friends are not dead btw) but i know we all have to die sometime. but why cant we go out together, with everyone we love? i lost a lot of the people i love to death (mostly pets) and now i have gaping holes in me where they were. thank you for helping me understand. also, WTF! YOU CANT JUST COME OUT AND KILL NATSU LIKE THAT! HES THE PROTAGONIST! F*** YOU ( srry had to vent not directed at you)
RandoAnon chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
Wow this is really well made.
yukifeari chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
Thank you for writing this beautiful, tragic story. It really made me cry, aha. Now I have to find some happy NaLu to make up for this heart-wrenching fic! Hoo boy.
Dacsh chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
I don't think it's a bad thing that you sacrificed elegance to go about this subject matter realistically, the way that you did. This way appeals to me more because there are parts that when I read it, I feel like I'm the one asking and begging. You can feel Lucy's incredulity and hurt throughout the piece so much that you start crying along her and at the end when she was trying to go around the Natsu-sized hole in her life, you can only hope the best for her.
It's true that we never really get to see Natsu's inner demons in canon, often portrayed as the big ball of sunshine and the one person you wouldn't suspect was going through something. It's interesting because I'm still waiting to see how he reacts with the whole development/past of his - finding out Zeref's his brother, he was END, he will die if Zeref dies etc. Because that's HUGE. (I kind of got sidetracked, sry)
Anyway, this was a sensitive subject matter, yes but you showed that sadness can cripple anyone, even the happiest of people. Which is different and I liked that. I liked how you portrayed how it affects the people concerned differently and how unexpected it was because sometimes that's what happens, no warning signs or heads up of some sort and the next day, you just go into shock hoping you heard wrong and it was just all a bad dream. This was an emotional piece and it was well-written. Nice job, ambivia.
suavespanol chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
why did you make me cry
ineptia chapter 1 . 1/22/2016
It was a great story! Well written and thought of. I think that if I know a depressed person I could recommend this to them so that they can think things through.

I worry though, about you. A powerful story such as this is often times brought about by a powerful inspiration as well. I hope that whatever you're going through right now, you'll still be ok. I hope that instead of the fall, you are already in the healing process.
Yuri Hannah chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
This is so utterly brilliant. Really loved how much emotion was described and poured into the characters. Especially Lucy and Gray. Really intense. Natsu is very perfect for this role, I agree. He's got some real hidden demons in canon oh it suits so much. Welp that's enough tragic fics for today this was too much to handle T_T
SpeedyMomentum chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
This was beautiful and amazing. It's so well crafted, I cried while trying to read it in school, so I stopped and waited till home. Awesome story, it's so real. How people deal with things.

My thoughts during this: how cool would it be if Natsu came back, like someone dragged him away (Zeref) and they faked his dearh. Zeref trained Natsu until he could beat him in combat. Then Natsu escaped and eventually returns. Idk, ignore them if you wish, those were my thoughts on this
howlingwolvesonfire chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
This was a great portrayal of the different reactions to an unexpected suicide. It came off as a very emotional piece in the beginning before almost going kinda numb at the end. Man, what a great piece of sorrow.
Momo Cicerone chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
h o W Da R e yoU?


ftx777x chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
A lifetime is a long time to miss someone
nalubbys chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
"He leaves, but he never really goes." This piece was written so beautifully, and it touched upon really deep subjects. I think you did them justice. My heart was hurting as I read this bc omg Lucy is hurting and Gray is hurting and Erza and Wendy and everyone is hURTING, and Natsu is dead. I honestly loved that quote on how Natsu remains in everything Lucy does, and I want to cry every time Lucy sees him again in her borrowed shirts and everything. You did a great job in this FIC for one sitting, it was beautiful, even despite the angst and tears and sadness. (:
roselocke28 chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
I love it but I hate it at the same time. I love the story itself but the fact that natsu dies just made me bawl and cry my eyes out. But other than that and all the sad stuff I really liked it. It's that love/Hate kinda deal. It's great.
IMakeTheMonsters chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
...this really struck home. Lucy feeling absolutely numb and not caring because shes used to it - yeah. That's pretty much me every day
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