Reviews for Regain
Belle chapter 7 . 3/20/2019
Can't wait for the next chapter. I love this story, good work.
takeagamble27 chapter 7 . 9/2/2018
HA! this is great they bicker like siblings! Can't wait to see what that Zeref dream was and how everyone will find out shes the princess!
Tiernank chapter 7 . 8/31/2018
So happy you updated this. I know I am a bit late in my review, but I really did miss this story! Xoxo
palmtopxtiger chapter 7 . 8/25/2018
It’s been awhile since I read this. So I reread it over now I can’t wait for more. :)
Numinous-Alqua chapter 7 . 8/8/2018
Lol. The next chapter name. Oh boy
CoSmO333 chapter 7 . 8/8/2018
this is awesome I'm loving it!
akirakoujiro08 chapter 5 . 8/21/2016
love it hope u continue and update
Guest chapter 5 . 7/5/2016
Please update?
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 5 . 7/4/2016
Thank goodness Laxus is aware of things and is saving Lucy's bacon so to speak. I feel really sorry for Freed and Evergreen though since they had no idea what was in store for them. Must say I was impressed by how fast Virgo went on the offensive though. That was a real surprise for everyone I think.

At least now Laxus gets to meet Lucy and they can start their little charade on the right note because I figure Lucy would have blown her own cover out of guilt because of Virgo's nastiness. Got to say I was totally not expecting Virgo to be a horrid cook in this story. Poor Lucy is in big trouble if she has to subsist on Virgo's offerings it seems to me.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/3/2016
I cant wait to see what happens next!
Coolc341 chapter 5 . 7/2/2016
Haha! I was waiting for the Thunder Legion to come in. Though I don't think Virgo would have 'defeated' them so easily. Other than that, I like it! Great job~
Jozanimelover chapter 4 . 4/3/2016
OML I love this so much. This is amazing
GhostLucy chapter 4 . 4/3/2016
Nuuuu, puns! I just woke up its 6 am. Laxus welcome to the embarrasses Lucy show
aoutre chapter 4 . 4/3/2016
Really enjoying this fic so far can't wait for laxus to come in!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/2/2016
I really love this plot! It's so different and original! Please update soon!
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