Reviews for Mourn the dead
jason chapter 7 . 3/31/2016
It is okay take all the time you need to finish those finals but promus us this you will make another chapter because I've read so fanfiction from a few years ago and they had to take finals as well and they never made another chapter also p.s you have inspired me to make my own half life fanfiction.
imnotraven16 chapter 6 . 2/24/2016
Awesome chapter
srg forge chapter 6 . 2/18/2016
great story so far just 1 prob not many chapters
srg forge chapter 3 . 2/16/2016
loved it when barney said "then nighty night" just loved it because i did not expect it in a half-life fanfic or game
srg forge chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
11deleted11 chapter 1 . 2/14/2016
Well done. Your writing style is a bit jolty, but good all the same. Interesting concept, but your paragraphs sometimes get a bit large.
BeeDS chapter 5 . 2/11/2016
Nice, keep it up!
jason chapter 5 . 1/31/2016
I love the hole story so far please make more it is the best half life story ever