Reviews for The Politics of Asylum
Nella Moonblood Royalle chapter 3 . 4/2/2019
ive read this for several time already and the intensity never semem to waver!
amd tonthis day i still hope n praybu will continue this awesomeness dear author-san!
hope u r doin well irl, ganbatte nee!
bumblebee01 chapter 4 . 12/30/2018
Oh such a lovely story plz continue soon!
Jennosaur chapter 2 . 2/19/2018
please update! this story is amazing, and i still think about it constantly to this day. i'm so curious to know how it ends!
PhoenixNinja101 chapter 3 . 2/8/2018
This is a pretty good story. I hope to see more.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/17/2017
This is really amazing
Ryan Mashall chapter 3 . 10/8/2017
The more i try to get it, th more i rly dnt understand how the contact system works. I need an explanation and a demo. Bt i cnt wait for th update!
Ryan Mashall chapter 2 . 10/5/2017
Man he doesnt get a break
Ryan Mashall chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
Lol this should b intresting
Nella Moonblood Royalle chapter 3 . 5/8/2017
Dayummmmm tis is cho good! Globers!
Yeahhh a kinda brotherly Haizaki x) hehehe
Im cho excited for moarrr seriously wat else is Kuro-tan hiding? Wat is Aka-tan planning? When will GoM fully open to Kuro-tan? x) kyarghhh cho many moar questions!
Hope u will update in d near future author-sama ganbatte née!
lovleydragonfly chapter 3 . 3/31/2017
Omg pleaseeee update.

I think if hes forced into a contract he should become feral or somethin. Untamable almost. I dont want him to submit fully or actually at all to akashi
Rin1730 chapter 3 . 3/14/2017
Can NOT wait for the next chapter! Love it!
BabyNightmareLady chapter 3 . 2/26/2017
I really like this story. It's so interesting! Please keep writing!
R chapter 3 . 2/15/2017
Love this! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Jennosaur chapter 3 . 2/15/2017
Frick dude, this is amazing! Just three chapters, and I'm already completely captivated by this world you created. I'm so excited for this story! (pretty sure I've said that before, lol) I reread the two previous chapters, and have thought a little bit more about Kuroko and Haizaki's relationship. You give us a little more of their backstory in this chapter, but I'm still confused. What did Kuroko do to help Haizaki? Why would Haizaki consider Kuroko one of his friends? (we all know what he's like haha) Where is Kuroko's master? Is he dead? Was his master's death because of Haizaki? (Just speculating, I don't expect any answers until much later) Who is Kuroko's master? I wonder if it'll be a character we know? Ogiwara, perhaps? No. I guess we'll find out later!

There were some important clues you gave us that I nearly missed.
1. In his bedroom before he left for a meal, Kuroko was thinking about 'something important' that he'd forgotten... What is it? It must be extremely important if it's mentioned this early on in the fic.
2. Why is Kuroko's relationship to the bear clan important? You've given us a little info about that, but I'm still confused...? And Haizaki knows about it? Why?
3. Haizaki and Kasumi might play an important role in this story. An interesting development bc in the anime (haven't caught up on the manga, I'm a terrible fan, ik) Haizaki barely has any relations with Kuroko...
4. Kuroko has been to the Akashi household before? It was in Seijuro's lifetime, so Kuroko must've met his father... Wouldn't the Akashi fam have records on that? Wouldn't Seijuro have found them before he found his grandfather's records? Has he already found them? I'm confused.
5. Why are the jackals so interested in Kuroko? They must have somehow seen some potential in him? I don't buy the explanation the wolves gave to Akashi. How could the jackals have seen Kuroko if even Akashi himself wasn't immune to Kuroko's weak presence?
6. And lastly, what is Kuroko's secret?! What other animal forms does he possess!? If he's powerful enough to stand up to Haizaki (who is now even stronger than before) and have Haizaki's respect, his secret must be pretty astounding. I can't wait for when you reveal it! I'm so excited!

Just to clarify: I don't expect for you to answer any of these, lololol, not in a DM at least. Hopefully all my questions will be resolved in this story!

Well. I rambled a bunch in this review. It's mostly just all the questions I've had while reading this haha. Normally when I ramble it's some sort of critique, but your writing (style, tone, grammar, ect.) is flawless, so I have nothing noteworthy to say about that. I've said this before, and I'll say it 1000x more: THIS IS AMAZING! Definitely one of my favorite stories of yours, and one of my favorites of all time! Honestly, the more you add to this, the more I love it. Can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work!

Sorry for how long this ended up being omg
M3gan15xo chapter 3 . 2/15/2017
Thank you for updating, it was a very nice chapter!
I think you write the characters wonderfully, so saying Akashi needs a pinch on the wrist or something for his attitude (or as I call it, spoiled brat-ittude), is a compliment from me. He's my problematic fav, so there's nothing I can do ;)
Anyways, hope everything is well, and thanks again for updating,
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