Reviews for Petals and Sketches
Guest chapter 47 . 10/1/2017
Hello. I'm Annette. I am Love Live! Trash and Melanie Martinez trash. This fanfic is really good. Also "D.O.L.L.H.O.U.S.E. I see things that nobody else sees"
Reira26 chapter 50 . 9/18/2016
I read this in one day. I was following the story when it was on its... Chapter 20, maybe, then stopped and when I came back it had 50 chapters and was over ;; I had such a good time reading this, even though it made me feel stressed from all the legal stuff; I felt as if I was Nozomi. Your narrative is amazing! Sometimes it took me a while to understand (i'm not a native english speaker), but aside that it was perfect and it helped me with a lot of colloquial expressions. Thank you for your great work! It's kinda sad that it has come to an end, but this was going to happen eventually and the ending was perfect.

I would like to say that you made laugh hard from the drugs chapter, stating that Futari Happiness would help to the trip xD I almost die from laugh. Still it's pretty true that the song will help (?)

Thank you for this wonderful fic! I loved every detail, the AU, the idea of a tattoed Nozomi, but I also hate you for making me want to pierce my ears again (?) Okno. I would go on and on about this amazing story, but I should cut it here. Once again, thank you and I hope to read more from you in the Love Live! Fandom.

YayaSamuko chapter 50 . 8/28/2016
Wow... More than 99k words on 50 chapters... Thumbs up, man... I know you did really well!
I'm glad to hear the fans supported you, and I hope they will continue...
As to conclude, we wish you a good day, and thank you for everything!
FlamingCrystal1 chapter 50 . 8/27/2016
Awww I'm sad it's over but at the same time, I feel like everything was wrapped up rather nicely. What ended up happening to Nozomi's dad? Also one request, could you possibly do a special of Kotori and Umi's wedding? You don't have too though. Great Story :D
LordByronMudkippington chapter 50 . 8/26/2016
A fitting way to end it (at least this general story). Fifty chapters is incredible, and it was a ride the whole way through. Amazing story! I loved every second of it.
TsUNaMyWaVe chapter 50 . 8/26/2016
Gonna leave some long comment in a message to you on tumblr. I feel it'll be more proper from some reason (especially if you aren't gonna use this site anymore)
YuriLover24 chapter 50 . 8/25/2016
I can't believe it's finished... but excellent job!
Winters Skye chapter 49 . 8/19/2016
But I knew it would end eventually... Thank you for the great story you've provided to all of us :D I'm happy to have been following this story and reading each new update as it's been put up! Thank you. Also I'm so glad that they won the case :D
Brielieve chapter 49 . 8/19/2016
Toward the end, where Nozomi is describing the places where she has room left to get a tattoo, you wrote "souls of my feet", but isn't it "soles"?

Also, I want to say thank you so much for taking the time and having the dedication to write this! I love it so much and it's so beautifully written!
Maki Maki Ma chapter 49 . 8/19/2016
Woot?! I can't believe this fic is ending! What am I supposed to do now? Damn author-san it really was a pleasure to read all the chapters and follow your updates since the begining, thanks for all the good reading! And read you in the next update c:
unicorn chapter 49 . 8/19/2016
whaaaaat final chapter next week? :0 ok don't cry don't cry *watches bambi* *watches bambi's backstory* *starts crying* GODDAMNIT WATCHING BAMBI DIDN'T HELP! but daaaaamn how long has this story been going on? since january? wow, that's so long. but i really enjoyed following it! so thank you for writing this! maybe when you finish this fanfic, you'll have more time for your nozopana one ;)
TsUNaMyWaVe chapter 49 . 8/19/2016
Whatttt the next one will be the final one? Now I'm sad. I really feel like this story walked with me thus entire time, and I can't imagine how it must be for you. Guess I'll save it to the final chapter though.
Anyway, this chapter was super cute, I'm glad they won. I liked how Rin came up and talked to Osamu and how it also brought some courage to Nozomi to tell him what she thinks too. Umi abd Minami was also a nice part.
That's it for now, I guees. Waiting to the final chapter *sob*
TsUNaMyWaVe chapter 48 . 8/13/2016
That was... harsh. Really that asshole pisses me off so bad. Can't wait to see his reaction to his failure in ruin Nozomi's life.
YuriLover24 chapter 48 . 8/13/2016
Damn... I was nervous..
Psykoakuma chapter 9 . 8/7/2016
What's with the darkness haunting Nozomi? She seems too chill to have some sort of trauma. Wow Nico totally screwed up.
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