Reviews for dear brother
HomiesOverHos chapter 31 . 5/23/2017
Most of this story had me wanting to beat Dean ass l, the ending didn't change. Dean doesn't deserve Roman lol
penelo14 chapter 31 . 4/28/2017
You're so evil! A cliffhanger and another roller coaster we gotta get on?! XD

But in all seriousness, this is one of the most impactful, emotional stories I have ever read. I personally connected with Roman a little, I got so mad with Dean (still am) about his secrets and what his motives are, I still want to punch Roman's father in the face. Just...the whole adventure, least part one of it, was completely amazing.

I do have some guesses about the next coaster. I feel Dean's motive is either A) he wants a three way with Roman and Seth, or possibly realizes it later and tries contacting Roman about it or B) he wasn't sure who he wanted more between Roman and Seth and just sort of dated them both to see who he liked better. I'm probably way off.

And the woman, something seems...odd about her. Will she be important or was she just being friendly and will never appear again? Who is she? Is she an OC or a WWE star? I have a weird feeling it's either Nattie or Summer. I don't know.

Gah, so many questions! . I got my ticket for the next ride. Can't wait to get on it:)
GottaLoveReiding chapter 31 . 4/26/2017
So Seth really is a mystery straight through to the end, god damn it haha he has to know what's been going on, he HAS to... How could he not? Like Roman said/thought, Dean was practically living with him. But then again, like Roman also said/thought, Seth's a nurse so maybe Dean snuck out and went back home for when Seth would be home.. gah, I just wanna know Seth's deal! And Dean's too, even if he's a jackass lol I said a while ago if you swerve us with Ambrolleigns it'd be the best plot twist of all time, and it damn sure still would be XD I'm glad Roman finally got the courage to get rid of Dean though. He doesn't deserve you Ro! Not after all the shit he's pulled on you :( Poor guy... it was rough reading him cry so much and knowing he had the 8 tylenols in his system paired with the whisky.. Jesus, that was real rough lol Hopefully Hawaii is good for him though! Maybe he'll find someone worth his time there. I'd be fine with that! I'm so excited for the sequel, you have no idea haha will it feature Hawaii stuff, or just delve right back into Florida living? Cause that would be interesting.. Can't wait for the sequel and this story itself was one of my favorites I've ever read on this site, and I've read a lot haha Excellent work! :D
june3law chapter 31 . 4/25/2017
I am glad that Roman went away to clear his head. I hope he gets some help with the meds and the alcohol and starts to feel better about himself. Maybe one day Dean will really explain himself. I can't wait for the sequel to see what happens with Roman. Great story. Definitely an emotional rollercoaster.
angelsdee327 chapter 31 . 4/25/2017
Oh my poor broken-hearted Rome. He's a sweetheart for not telling Seth. You know most women would because that's how we roll. Hahahaha! It is just so tragic. He loves Dean so damn much and to lose him this many times and in such cold ways is kicking my feels' ass. I'll be awaiting the sequel.
HardyKat chapter 31 . 4/25/2017
I must say you have put us all on that emotional rollercoaster. I really love engaging stories and this one totally did it. So with that said... Seriously Dean? He's gonna tell him that he loves Roman after putting him through the ringer emotionally? GTFOH Dean. Just go! A part of me was glad that Roman finally cut ties with him. Again, just feel bad that he had to go through hell to do it. Petty side of me wish he would have told Seth because yeah Dean deserves it. Hopefully the new place and new faces will help Roman create a better life for himself. Most importantly, get some help for the meds and alcohol.

Looking forward to the sequel. I really want to know what Dean was thinking.
stingerette1975 chapter 31 . 4/25/2017
I think Seth has something on Dean or at least Seth's parents...some thing is keeping him tied to him and constantly hurting Roman...

I'd like to believe Dean and Roman will end up together, but I just don't see how it's possible...Roman has been been through hell and no one seems to really care if he lives or does...

Don't blame Roman for leaving...who knows, maybe he will stay in Hawaii...and find himself and live for himself...
Guest 2 min ago chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
P. S.: I read the other comments of this chapter only after I wrote my own. Congrats! Honestly! When have you ever read so different reviews but ALL totally emotional? Like I said: You really get to the reader with this story. Even those who dislike it are not just bored and just give it up but are honestly disgusted. I think this is a fantastic and satisfying, at least hope so. Thanks :-) !
Guest chapter 30 . 4/11/2017
Okay, biting my nails here, wanting to throw something against the wall. You really get to me with this story. How the hell could you, Dean?! Scumbag (sorry)! This is the first and only story I ever read with Dean behaving like an asshole towards Roman and you write it so well and convincing. And still and I dont know why but I am still sure that there is - must be - a reason and explanation for all this and that there will be a happy ending. Okay, I am really desperate now to imagine something... . Hm, how about Seth having only a few months left to live, wanting nobody to know it but having a last wish which is to marry Dean who gives in to that because of old times and loyalty towards his longtime boyfriend although he loves Roman? No matter how, after breaking our hearts you will please have the decency to give us a happy ending with a recovered, sane and strong Roman please, right :-) ? Thanks so much for writing, it is so much joy to read.
Yikes chapter 30 . 4/11/2017
Someone recommended this story to me on Tumblr the other day and said it was super good. While on a technical/grammatical level, your writing is fine, this story is not good. Everyone is so grossly out-of-character here that they bear no resemblance to who they actually are. They don't feel, sound, or act anything like Roman, Dean, or Seth.

This "story" really comes across as vindictive and mean - you wanting to portray a character in the worst-possible light (your "Dean") because you personally dislike them. I'm guessing you're a Roman stan, and you're the kind who gets mad when he's booed IRL, so you treat the other characters in this story like shit so people feel sorry for "poor Roman." You're super transparent, and it's pretty gross.

All you've really done is write an ugly and unsympathetic story. I kept reading in hopes it would get better. What a waste of time. Definitely going to be warning actual Ambreigns fans to stay away from this.
Eevee chapter 30 . 4/11/2017
Wow go figured. Kind of knew Dean was hiding Seth for a reason. He was still playing Roman this whole time. But it would be interesting know now why did Dean do all this damage to Roman? I mean everything has been from Romans point of view will we get to see dean's before the ending of this story? And why is Seth so oblivious to everything . Overall great chapter as always. This story has been so heartbreaking. Please oh please, I just want Roman to at least have a good ending after all of this now that he has realize what kind of person Dean is. He deserves to find someone too, and get himself together. Praying for a good ending to all his misery *Fingers Crossed*. Can't wait for the next update c:
GottaLoveReiding chapter 30 . 4/10/2017
I knew it, I knew it, I fucking knew it! I knew it and I'm still literally fuming with anger. That fucking prick, I actually can't articulate anything I'm feeling right now without swearing XD As soon as Seth showed up begging Roman to go to a place that he hadn't been in in two years I knew what was going to happen. As soon as Roman shut the door on Seth I was like "They're engaged." and I've never been so pissed off to be right lmao Seth dropped a fucking bomb alright, and Dean was perfectly fine stringing Roman along again like the fucking asshole he is.. And then the last line from the chick so long ago in this timeline; "Be careful, because your boy may look like an angel, but he wil lace your lemonade and set you on a path of destruction."... It just reiterates over and over again how much we were all warned, including Roman, about how much Dean was going to fuck him up. It's almost haunting, the way you keep repeating it, which is fucking awesome in my opinion, because it drags us into how Roman is feeling on a whole other level. It's just great, amazing, and it fucks me up with each update XD Going back to Seth, I still don't understand him. Why is he letting his hands linger on his now fiance's brothers skin for longer than he needs to? What is his motive and thoughts? Why does he care so much about Roman? I haven't figured that out yet... Oh man, this was an excellent update. I think it's honestly my favorite chapter haha Bring on more, cause I have so many questions XD
june3law chapter 30 . 4/10/2017 sad for Roman. I hope he will be ok after this. I wonder will Dean ever explain why he did this to him. I guess the fortune has come true.
HappeLu9708 chapter 30 . 4/10/2017
courtneyridenour2012 chapter 30 . 4/10/2017
wow i just wanna hug Roman and punch Dean omg love them both to death but dang deN why why why
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