Reviews for Broken Together
Guest chapter 67 . 9/21/2018
Wow. Just wow.
FDFobsessed chapter 67 . 9/4/2018
I can't believe this is the end to this perfect story. I put off reading it for a few days because I didn't want it to end, but also I couldn't bear to read about Tris dying. Once I found the courage to read it, I realized I should of known better. You took what should of been so sad and heartbreaking (Tris's death) and made it so touching and beautiful. I loved how they were all together in Tris's hospital room for her last hours. Tris was right were she always belonged, in Tobias's arms until the very end. I thought it was so special that Hope got to hear those last words that were spoken by her parents to each other. I'm glad Tris died in her sleep with the two people she loved the most. I'm glad that Christina kept her promise to Tris and has been there for Hope after her death. I loved that Chris gave Hope a picture of Tris on her wedding day. I thought it was so beautiful to see Tobias's reaction to seeing Hope for the first time in her wedding dress. I loved that he thought she looked so much like Tris. Aww, I'm so happy that Hope named her daughter after Tori and Tris, how special is that. I loved seeing Tobias and Tori together on her first day of school, how sweet. When Tobias died, I loved how Hope was sad but was also happy that her dad would be back with her mom and finally be together again. The ending of this story was more than I could of ever hoped for. To have Tobias reunited with his Tris was so beautiful and it made me cry like a baby. It was so hopeful and it gave me chills reading it. Tobias got to hold Tris again and look in her eyes and then Tris kissed him and he knew waiting to see her again after all those years was worth it. She was always worth it. I can't believe I reviewed everyone of these sixty seven chapters and that this is my last one. I will miss reading this but I know I will read this story over and over again because it is just that good. I hope you know that you could change the names of the characters in this story and publish this, because I believe many people would read this heartwarming story. Thank you for being strong enough to put many of your worst times on paper for all of us to get hope and inspiration and to realize that if you try hard enough, things do get better.
FDFobsessed chapter 66 . 9/1/2018
This chapter was absolutely gut wrenching. I couldn't see the words on my computer, I was crying so much. For Tobias and Hope to find out that Tris didn't have much time left was so sad and heartbreaking. I'm glad that Tobias was trying to be strong for his daughter, because that's just the type of man he is. Tobias leaning against the hospital wall, thinking of all those memories of them together, from the time he proposed, to Tris telling Hope everything she and Tobias have been through, just showed how much he and Tris meant to each other. They had a true, pure amazing love, that was so strong and beautiful right from the beginning of their relationship. What Tris told Hope was so true, she never gave up, she was strong and she was a survivor and will continue to be that way, till the very end. I loved when Tobias finally told Tris the words of how much he loved her. My favorite line was "When you smiled, everything was alright. At a certain point, you weren't just a person became my world, my life, my everything. Every part of me, every fiber of my being, will always love you." Perfection right there. The last line when they all hugged each other, and Tris said " Everything will be okay, one day ,we'll see each other again. But until then, you must both live. For me." You my friend out did yourself writing this chapter.
FDFobsessed chapter 65 . 9/1/2018
This chapter was so sad, I had tears in my eyes the whole time I was reading it. Of course I'm sad for Tris, but I'm just so heartbroken thinking about how Tobias has to go on without his Tris. When she said she had five to ten years, I understood why Tobias was so upset, he thought they would grow old together, so did I. I think it's great that Hope and Lucas are engaged and are moving in together. Too bad Tris more than likely will miss their wedding. Tobias is right, Tris should not help with the move, she needs to take care of her heart and not over do it. I wish Tris would of listened to Tobias and not tried to help, I know she felt left out, but still. That combination of the stairs and the bag was too much for her heart to take. God, she's still so damn stubborn. I kind of wish Hope would of called out to Tobias so he could of told Tris no, when she refused to listen to Hope when she said that the bag was to heavy. I loved the moment at the hospital between Tobias and hope, so touching. Great work on this chapter.
FDFobsessed chapter 64 . 8/30/2018
This was such a heartbreaking chapter. I can't believe Tori is gone, I'm heartbroken. I wish Tris would realize that the soft breezes she feels are Tori, letting her know that she's there. It's so sad that she's driving by Tori's house and calling her old phone number. I feel so bad for Tobias and Hope because Tris is pushing them away and withdrawing into herself. I'm glad that Hope talked to Tris and told her she didn't want to lose her too. Maybe this is what Tris needs to get back to herself again. I had a feeling that Lucas and Hope would end up together. I'm happy that Tris went to the doctor for the chest pains. Why are you doing this to us. Not Tris, please let her live, I can't handle her dying again after Allegiant. Tobias and Hope will be devastated if anything happens to her. Great work on this chapter, even though I hate you right now (jk). love you.
FDFobsessed chapter 63 . 8/30/2018
This was a very intense chapter. I love how close Tris and Christina are to each others kids. Christina saying they were getting old, seems to have upset Tris, she seems really bothered by it. I love that Hope seems to have a great childhood, nothing like Tris or Tobias had. I think it's so sweet that they are throwing Hope a sweet sixteen party. I'm glad that Tobias told Tris that when she gets grey hair and wrinkles that he would too. When he asked her if she would stop loving him when that happened to him, and she said of course not, she finally realized that because she would still love Tobias, he would still love her too. Omg, Sophia proposed to Brynn, how exciting. I love that George fixed Tori up on a date. Please no, don't kill Tori, a mad man in the movie theater shot her. Please let Tori survive this. poor Tris, she loves Tori so much, she can't lose her. Great job, on to chapter 64.
FDFobsessed chapter 62 . 8/29/2018
This was such a good chapter. I'm glad that Rachel reached out to Tris, maybe she can get to know her niece. I love Tobias's and Tris's relationship so much. He's always there for her when she needs him to help her figure things out , this time, Caleb. I loved when Hope walked in on them kissing. Tobias is right, it's good for her to see what real love looks like. Yes, I'm so happy that Brynn and Sophia admitted their feeling for each other. I wonder how Tris and Tobias will tell Hope about their awful real families? I loved Caleb meeting Hope and getting chocked up. It was great when Caleb admitted that Tobias ''the eighteen year old" was the right choice. I'm happy they are going to try again and start over. Great job, on to chapter 63.
FDFobsessed chapter 61 . 8/28/2018
This was a great chapter. I'm glad Brynn has more confidence and her life has gotten better. I wish she would talk to Sophia, maybe she feels the same way. I know Brynn is afraid to because of what Caroline did to her. I think social work would be a great major for Brynn. I wonder how Uriah will react to Lucas wanting to dance instead of playing baseball? Marley sounds adorable, loved her playing with Hope's hair. I love Tobias still getting frisky with Tris after all these years. Omg, I wonder if Rachel is Caleb's daughter? Can't wait to read the next chapter to find out.
FDFobsessed chapter 60 . 8/28/2018
Wow, I think this was one of your best chapters, you keep killing it with this story. I felt so bad that Zeke found Brynn that way, how terrifying for a parent. It was so sad seeing Shauna and Zeke feeling so helpless about what happened to Brynn. I loved the talk between Tori and Hope. I love that Tori sees the resemblance between Hope and Tris. I thought it was great when Uri reached out to Brynn and told her he would be there for her. That scene with Zeke and Uriah was very intense. I'm so happy that Tris decided to talk to brynn and try to help her. I loved when Tris told Brynn everything she went through, because now Brynn won't feel like she's the only one who has these problems. I was so happy when Brynn told Tris about the bullying and her crush on Caroline. Tris listened to Brynn and showed her such compassion and understanding, it brought tears to my eyes. I thought Shauna's and Zeke's reaction to brynn's crush on Caroline was wonderful. I loved when they told her that they would love her no matter what and that she could love whoever she wants, bravo. That was so awesome how Sophia stuck up for Brynn and told Caroline and her minions that she had a purple belt and had no problem beating them up. I hope between Tris's help and Sophia teaching Brynn to stick up or herself, things start to get better for her. Well done on this chapter.
FDFobsessed chapter 59 . 8/28/2018
Have I told you I love this story. This chapter had so many raw emotions in it, it's just so touching. I loved little Hope asking Brynn why she was sad, how intuitive of her. I love how close Hope and Brynn are. I knew they had a special connection, since the first time they met. Tris is such a great counselor, I loved how she talked to Sophia and helped her find a support group to help her feel less alone. I thought it was great that Tris and Christina took a break from the gym and went out drinking instead, everyone deserves a break sometimes. I loved how sweet Tobias was to Tris when she came home drunk. I love how he mad her feel better about her insecurities. Tobias is so sweet telling Tris she was beautiful then, and is now and always will be. I feel so sad for Brynn, that she thinks she has no one to reach out to. I'm so happy that Sophia's parents are talking to her again and the support group Tris recommended, is helping her. Oh no, what did Brynn do? Please let her be o.k. I Loved this chapter so much.
FDFobsessed chapter 58 . 8/27/2018
This was a really good chapter. I'm so proud of Tris for getting a Master's degree and getting her first job as a counselor. I can't believe little Hope is in kindergarten already. What Tris is feeling about her growing so fast is totally normal. I loved when Tobias sang Tris's song that she wrote, to help her fall asleep. I love having Brynn's POV in the story. It seems like she having feelings for her friend Caroline. Poor Lucas, I'm glad Hope stuck up for him, sometimes kids can be very mean. OMG, Hope is so adorable. I loved how she told Lucas she loved him and kissed him because that's what she sees her mom doing to her dad, how sweet. I thought Tobias was going to freak out when Tris told him Hope told Lucas she loved him and kissed him. I can't believe her friend Caroline reacted that way when Brynn told her she might like girls. She was so cruel, what an ignorant bitch. I hope Brynn will be o.k. Maybe she could talk to Tris ,they seem close. Great job, on to chapter 59.
FDFobsessed chapter 57 . 8/26/2018
This was an amazing chapter, I loved it so much. I'm glad that Hope is an easy baby for Tris and Tobias. I hope at some point they can get a two bedroom apartment, so Hope can have her own room and they can have more sexy time. Tris did a great job talking to Brynn and making her feel comfortable. I loved when Brynn asked Tris if she would be able to see Hope sometimes and Tris said of course your cousins now. I love when Tobias was thinking about how they were both broken and found away to pick up the pieces and mend each other. I loved everyone together at Brynn's birthday party, especially the little people dancing. I'm so happy that Brynn calls Zeke and Shauna mom and dad now. My favorite line was ''We are two broken people. But I certainly don't feel that way when my broken pieces connect with hers", perfection. You're a gifted writer, I hope you know that.
FDFobsessed chapter 56 . 8/26/2018
This chapter was so beautiful and heartwarming, I loved every word of it. I felt so bad for Tris because of all the pain she was in, but poor Four, not only was he hearing Tris's screams but also worrying that she might die in childbirth. Tobias thinking about losing them both during her labor was heartbreaking. I'm glad Tris found strength from thinking about everything that Tobias has done for her, to give one more big push. Yah, the baby is here and they both lived through it. My favorite line ''My heart swells, as I watch her. Suddenly, my exhaustion doesn't matter. The pain doesn't matter. We made it, we both made it. It was all worth it. She was always worth it''. I loved that they decided on the name Hope, it's so fitting with everything the three of them have been through. I'm happy for Christina and Uriah, so sweet baby boy Lucas. I love that Zeke and Shauna adopted a ten year old girl. That age is always over looked, so I'm excited for this little girl to have a home filled with love, welcome home, Brynn. You did such a Great job on this chapter.
FDFobsessed chapter 55 . 8/25/2018
This was such an exceptional chapter, so full of emotions. I can understand why Tobias didn't want Tris out in the cold, it reminded him of the night she almost killed herself. I loved that Tris told Tobias that she doesn't regret anything and that she's so happy she found him. I'm glad that Tobias wants to enjoy whatever time he has left with Tris, no matter how long or how short. Wow, Christina really is a bridezilla, hahaha. I'm glad Tris could make Chris realize that she has a lot to be happy and thankful for. I think it's great that Zeke and Shauna are going to adopt, but maybe Tris should of been honest with Shauna and say she would have to wait and see what happens with the baby. I liked when Tris said the more people she had in her life, the more she would fight. I hope Tris fights like hell, like Tobias said. Oh God, Tris is in labor and she's only seven months. Please let Tris and the baby survive, I don't think Tobias or I could take it if she dies.
FDFobsessed chapter 54 . 8/24/2018
This was such a good chapter. I feel sad that Tris has to think about planning her baby's future without herself in it. I'm glad that Christina agreed to be the baby's Godmother and understood what that could mean if something happens to Tris. Seeing all Tris's memories like that, really shows you how far she has come. Tris's father was so awful to her, she was only ten when he treated her like that, how sad. Peter was such a piece of trash, telling Tris he would kill her, Chris and Caleb if she left him. I'm glad Tris realized after thinking about all this, that she needs to appreciate all the good things in her life because she right, since she has been with Tobias things have gotten better. Great job on this chapter.
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