Reviews for To Save a Black
dootadoot chapter 9 . 7/9/2018
I actually liked this ending. I mean, it sucks but it's entirely fitting and alters how the story would progress. Sirius is still alive, Harry left the ministry before Voldemort arrives, two dead slytherins could change how slytherins view the upcoming war, does Sirius hold some guilt and blame against himself or Harry, does Dumbledore figure out what magic allowed Reggie to survive in the first place... while sad and abrupt it was highly entertaining and provoking. I would love to see a sequel some day.
SiriuslyPink chapter 9 . 4/23/2018
The ending ruined the whole fic.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/30/2017
Love your story so much
deant33 chapter 9 . 12/11/2016
You're telling me we went through all that just to see him die? Screw you man.

It was a good story. Still hated the ending.
0penfire chapter 9 . 8/13/2016
Boom. What at ending. I honestly wasn't sure how close to the story you were going to follow at the ministry, but i'm glad you stopped where you did. The threads of the story are tied together, not perfectly, but enough to provide closure and makes the reader fill in the blanks with how the story ands, and I really like that. Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed reading this a lot :)
ciambella chapter 9 . 7/19/2016
I liked this story, though it is a bit rushed, especially in the last chapters, in my opinion. To me it feels like the story had great potential, but it was not fully expressedit could have been far more detailed, for one. That said, I liked your characters, in particular Regulus. The view on the Slytherins was interesting, but again it could have been expanded. The ending was abrupt, a bit unexpected to me, but not wrong, I found it fitting, though I'm sorry about Cassius, I liked him. I'm glad Sirius didn't die, maybe you could work on how the future changes from that? There are a couple of passages where you jump in time that make the reading a bit confusing, but maybe that's just me and it's nothing unbearable anyway. Thanks for sharing and keep writing.
Dancing-Souls chapter 9 . 7/4/2016
Ugh that ending... :( Good story and I'm glad to see that in the end he found peace
Guest chapter 9 . 6/27/2016
Although i did enjoy reading this chapter, the ending felt very rushed and abrupt, i thought Regulus dying was in a way adequate fate for him albeit heartbreaking. I really liked how you had him use the unforgivable curses as if he's still fighting in his deatheater days and i like how you made him haughty and morally grey when he decides his curses are less than what the deatheater deserved. I feel like most people when writing Regulus forget he's a Black who cared about his family's ways and values, and the Blacks going by how they address themselves as the ancient and most nobel think a lot of themselves, even if it was watered down in Regulus he's still prideful so i like how he you presented him throughout your writing. I'm tired so this is all i have for this time but thank you for writing this story, it was worth following, you're a very good writer and I hope to see more of your fanfics soon.

langeline chapter 7 . 6/25/2016
or get it adopted. Ask for spin-offs.
langeline chapter 8 . 6/25/2016
your ending is still too abrupt for this story to be marked completed... please update in the near future...
langeline chapter 9 . 6/25/2016
whhhhat?! cop-out sorry. But thanks for the ride whilst it lasted.
poor cassius!
Leong chapter 3 . 6/25/2016
Yes,... please ship! :D
Guest chapter 9 . 6/24/2016
nononono that can't be the ending D:
Ione chapter 9 . 6/24/2016
Could you do an epilogue where Sirius says goodbye to Regulus using the Resurrection stone? Please? The ending here is so sad I almost cried.
E.L. Girralo chapter 9 . 6/24/2016
Will there be a sequel, perhaps from another perspective?
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