Reviews for When We Were Strangers
Shell1331 chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
I love this story so much. It's sweet without being overly so, and I always love a meddling Hakkaku and Ginta. You do a really great job of making it easy to just immerse yourself into the AU and the storyline. Nicely done!
vrckag chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
THIS IS PRECIOUS AND ITS A COLLECTION? THERES GOING TO BE MORE? I CANT WAIT OMG OMG OMG *deep breath* okay now that the intense fangirling is out of the way, I love it plz update soon!
bluedragongirlhv chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
That was so adorable! Please make more! I laughed out loud when Koga tells her he gained 3 whole pounds because of the Chocolate Chip Cream!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Oh my gosh, this is a collection?! I can't wait for more-! I really like the time of place and how it's told- hopefully the next one come soon!
soy.saucE chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
that was so effing cute! loved it!
endingsarenotalwaysbad chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
AAAHAHAHDAKKSJDWSJKAJHSJKANKAPOADÜPAWLOPK, that was so cute? I mean it's been like forever since I last read Inuyasha let alone watched it but I sure as hell remember Koga! And I think his character was so spot on for this AU (and the majors made me smirk BECAUSE THEM BEING WOLVES AND KOGA BEING LIKE A ROYAL FOR THEM - I see what you did there!).


But to be honest, my favorite part was the end. It was so freaking CUTE! How he came back although he hated chocolate (but WHAT KIND OF PERSON DOESN'T LIKE CHOCOLATE?!) because he found it cute that she had already prepared it for him... So, SO cute.

BTW, I wanted to wish you a happy new year because I keep forgetting it and this makes me so mad -.-

Loves to you :D
berryandfriends chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
! Look, I'll be totally honest, for all my love of KogKag, I'm incredibly picky about KogKag fics, and this — this one is automatically a favorite. It's sweet, wonderfully paced, and the characterization is flawless. The Samson thing (like I screamed about in my tags hehe) is, hands down, my favorite thing. I literally bit back a scream when I read that line! You did a wonderful, wonderful job!