Reviews for From the Eastern Mountains
redbudrose chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
Great chapter! I loved this. I can't wait for another chapter anything or a new story! I just love your klaroline writing so much.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2019

Guest chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Love it! Another fantastic piece from you!
Ashleighxx chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
Omg! I still love and enjoy this story immensely!
Everything, from start to finish, is just perfection xD
NatalieLynn chapter 1 . 11/18/2016
I really enjoyed this story. Great writing!
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Loved it. What a beautifully fierce chapter. All the feels were there. I couldn't help but to read at a few paragraphs when I pulled into my driveways at home... & at a jammed stoplight before that! Lord, I'm a real manage to society! I blame you entirely. For if it wasn't this food, I wouldn't have been burning for more all day long at work.
talktomebaby chapter 1 . 4/1/2016
First of all, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST THE MOST TALENTED SMUT GODDESS RAVYN. Remember I was gonna do something for your bday? *covers face* It’s nothing special but…since I found out about your birthday two weeks ago, I’ve been planning this birthday review spam which has been long overdue. I missed out a lot and I planned to write every single review for every single chapters (which I usually do but your update FF showed me just how much I missed!) As you know, my reviews are full of gibberish and it’s goes way past one sentences so this took the rest of my free time for the last two weeks. FYI, I am Tay. I made a FF account ages ago but didn’t use it all and I thought I’d dug it up for your bday review spam and here it is! Logging onto it was weird af cause I’m so used to writing guest reviews lol. But it’s me, Tay! YOUR #1 FANGIRL REPRESENT!

Anyway, devouring so many of your stories in short amount of time was so addictively good for me but it also meant writing my unnecessarily long reviews so this took time and I’ve been doing some editing for MV these days so it was a little busy for me and it’s sad that I couldn’t post this the right time since it’s already 1st of April where you live. BUT, as I am about to post all these reviews, I checked and in Hawaii it’s still 31st of March! SO STILL YOUR BDAY! I made it. Sort of. Here’s the start of your bday review spam brought to you by Tay:

I AM LOST FOR WORDS. I know that everything you write will struck a chord within me but oh my god this especially so... I felt like crying and smiling ear to ear at the same time. This story wrecked me and consoled me and I CAN'T DEAL WITH ITS PERFECTION. This was a beautiful combination of Caroline's journey and Klaroline development. The most magical and amazing combination ever and oh Ravyn, you are such a gift. The story had an emotional start, I felt Caroline's loss and also how she's lost in the world... She hasn't found herself yet and with her mother gone.. The pain was real and this sentence got me teared up quickly:
'Leaning back, eyes staring blankly out the window, she swallowed past the shards in her throat.
And for the first time in her life, she let someone go.'

I feel like this sentence is so so true to the action. Shards in the throat. Like, I'm just amazed at every words you write. It's these kind of little things that make such a masterpiece. And oh my gawwwwd can i JUST SCREAM FOR AUSTRALIA?! SYDNEY? CAROLINE LOVED ADELAIDE?! YESSSSSS BABY! First, you made Caroline goto Australia (my second home) and she LOVED Adelaide! (Caroline's got fantastic taste ;) Adelaide is my city! I studied there 8 years then moved to Sydney for Uni so... I don't know I just got really excited about it. It was basically like 'Caroline in Australia.' YES! 'Caroline in Sydney.' WOOHOOO then 'Caroline loved Adelaide.' *incoherent speaking* Enough about that, I also loved how you shaded Steroline. In the most truest way because it's true, Stefan thinks about himself the most and because he needs her. Klaus is different, he cares about Caroline and her wants and her needs. When Caroline realised that in this fic, it totally gave me some catharsis. F U CANON! The fact that Caroline remembers Klaus' phone number gave me so much feels than it should have. As a person who only remembers only family's numbers, I know how much that means. You only remember people you care about. Also, Klaus wanting Caroline to be selfish. Sighhhh. He is always so damn considerate towards her and I am with Klaus on that. Caroline deserves some break and Klaus knows this!

I must admit, I always enjoy when I read Klaroline fanfics, I like it when the writers put in Damon and human Caroline's relationship. The traumatic experience she went through and where it gets constantly ignored and under the rug in canon. It pisses me so much that canon writers don't want to acknwoledge what was clearly abuse. So I love it when fanfic does that for canon and you handled it beautifully, Klaus' reaction was just right and appropriate. And I enjoy that he is totally haunting Damon. He deserves it.

The Prague scene will haunt me forever. And the film geek in me won't stop imagining it to full vivid visual details of how I would wanna shoot the scene. I wanna go down on my knees and just bow down to you for letting Caroline have that drop of sweetness. Not making her walk away from Klaus. She could've but she didn't and I AM SO GODDAMN THANKFUL. How Klaus just grabbed her hand and took her with him to the streets. Those beautiful streets filled with people, Christmas lights, mulled wine... Then you had to put in Rome, Paris, Tokyo in to kill us with extreme and massive feel attacks:
'One finger traced a line down her cheek before he lifted his head, dimples deep as he turned and started walking again. "Nothing wrong with admitting you're waiting for me, love."'

AND THERE GOES OUT HEART. IT'S BROKEN. Damnnnnnnnn. HahahahAHAHA. Then Salzburg, you give us post werewolf slaughter Klaroline smut?! ARE YOU FO REAL? CAN YOU BE ANYMORE NICER? What a dream. Caroline going for it, making it her choice, not interested in 'safe'. It's so glorious and your smut is of course without a doubt, the hottest I've had the pleasure of reading... It's not just simple vanilla sex, you actually consider that these two are vampires and one of them is 1000 year old freakin' hybrid. I love that. Klaroline will have crazy, glorious, uninhibited sex and that's why I appreciate your smut even moreeee. You understand their dynamics so perfectly, this conversation made me laugh so hard:
"We've just fucked covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies."
"Let's do it again sometime."

CLASSIC KLAROLINE DREAM CANON. POST SLAUGHTER SMUT. PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE. *praying emoji* Then there's this moment where I shivered:
'Gaze hot and possessive, he lifted her palm to his lips. "There is nowhere else I'd prefer to be, Caroline."'

You touched on their aftermath. HALLELUJAH! Everything came full circle. Caroline found herself. ORNAMENT FROM CZECH. Snow. Christmas. Klaus. This part made me wail:
'She'd never manage to out run Klaus. Caroline didn't want to.'

Ah, what a perfect ending. I don't think even the word 'perfect' can do its justice. It was that good. This story is what dreams are made of.
LM3795 chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Awesome story and wonderful writing! I actually felt like I was on this journey of self discovery with Caroline hahaha
Biana Delacroix chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
(I just posted this over at A03 but I wanted to post it here too)

First and foremost, your portrayal of Caroline was perfect. She is so near and dear to my heart and I feel like so many writers, professional and amateur alike, completely disservice her character but you’ve written her with such a beautiful inner strength, she’s at her best. I love how she’s allowed to grieve her mother, but it never takes over, doesn’t change her character-if only we had you writing the actual show! And god help me, I would make you a cake if I could for how you dealt with her relationship with Stefan. It’s acknowledged, but it’s finally given proper narrative consequences and you nailed Stefan’s brand of insidiousness, where he appears caring, but it’s inevitably in the name of selfishness. Seriously, I’ll get you that cake.

I loved her determination to live her life on her own terms, even if it’s tinged with sorrow at everything, she’s so brave. There’s a beautiful line in the first part, “Stefan wasn’t the one who’d carved away the most of her. She’d done that to herself.” It’s so sad, but you’ve given her the agency she needs to build herself back up again, and with Klaus, everything is on her terms. There’s the beginnings of him wanting to come back into her life, but thank you so much for Caroline not wanting to fall on him completely, no use him, and recognizing that she owes it both to herself and him to do this by herself because in the end, that’s what they both deserve.
Caroline’s personal growth over her travels was so well written, and when she finally gets to the point where she wants to explore what she and Klaus could be, she’s older and wiser but still sarcastic and young, and you’ve so beautifully allowed her to be scared in the middle of being brave and to know what she wants and how to ask for it without reservation. You let her put herself first, that means so much.

On the other side, your Klaus is another testament of proper characterization. I’ll happily follow up that earlier cake with a plate of cookies for restoring Klaus to an actual character and not whatever happened to him over the past three years. He doesn’t whine over Caroline, but retains an edge; you don’t inflate his anger or his affection and find a perfect balance of both. He offers her help unconditionally (something that a lot of fic writers tend to run in the other direction with), and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that because it makes the relationship so much more enjoyable to read. His offer to help and kindness never takes away from his arrogance or underlying ‘monster’, but the way you have him actively listen to what Caroline wants and needs is just so lovely.

Adding on to how he treats her, my favourite part is where he specifically calls their tentative relationship a ‘friendship’, because any author that acknowledges that they have to start as friends is just aces in my book. Klaus is learning how to actually relate to people! It’s wonderful. He’ll have spies on her, but when she sets boundaries, especially in that scene where he finds out about Damon, he respects them and that shows the growth of their relationship so well. When the time comes that Caroline comes to him, he uses his knowledge of her in such a way that it shows how much he pays attention to her needs, it’s very endearing. At least, the way you’ve written it makes it very endearing behaviour! He’s never overbearingly arrogant, just cocky enough to be Klaus, not so much that I wish Caroline would run in the other direction for her own good.

You’ve written Klaus so well, he knows that Caroline’s love is something that requires patience after everything that’s happens, and he’s willing to wait because he recognizes where her head is and what she needs. He can preen all he wants, but you’ve just done such a good job with his character, I’m absolutely in awe.

The overall story is just a masterpiece, you seriously delivered on the ‘travel the world’ genre, and this is easily one of the most impressive additions to the fandom anthology. This one-shot gives such a breadth and scope to the travelling, paralleled with Caroline’s personal growth. Every segment as she travels, she becomes so much more self-assured and confident and it reads so naturally. The recurring theme of her avoiding snow was a really nice touch, a bit tragic, but a way for Caroline to carry her mother with her and show how she eventually comes to term with that grief. I said it earlier but I’ll say it again, I loved how she takes time to herself before Klaus comes into the picture, but he’s still very much there in spirit, on her mind and in her thoughts.

The inclusion of the Salvatore brothers was great, both so that there’s that sense of closure with her relationship with Stefan and because a small (petty) part of me loves any scenario where Klaus finds out about what an asshole Damon is. I loved the locales you chose and how you painted each scene, especially the Christmas market; they’re one of my favourite parts of the holiday. The werewolf attack was a nice addition; it’s always great to read stories where authors expand on the mythology of the supernatural world. Again, Caroline holds her own before Klaus shows up; it was so much fun to read that. The point where she lets her monster out and completely reconciles it with who she is (and with who Klaus is), is amazing.

I’m sure you’ve heard this a thousand times, but you are such a good smut writer. It was amazing and you are amazing, and I definitely did not reread that section many, many times. Nope, definitely did not do that. The way they came together after all that anticipation and buildup was so, so satisfying and you just write it so well, I have no words to properly say how much I enjoyed it. (I’d only blush!) After the beautiful progression of their friendship and flirtation, it was rough and wonderful but he’s still a sap deep down. Seriously, you are SO good at this.

The last segment with Klaus and Caroline discovering the ins and outs of their relationship was beautiful, their intimacy was so visceral, and you do them both such a credit. They love, they fight, but they’re together and that’s what matters. When Caroline runs, it’s not something I can fault her for because you’re in her head so well, when Klaus finally lets some of his anger come through, you balance it with Caroline’s acceptance of what being together means for them. I love the little addendums of what their life together is like and honest to god, I could not possibly envision a better happy ending.

Your writing technique is just beautiful. Reading this piece was like reading a symphony; the musicality of your words is stunning. The entire piece had a bittersweet tone as Caroline comes to terms with her grief, her future and herself, but you leave a silver lining of hope and it pays of in the best possible way. Your imagery is out of the world, you’re one of the best descriptive fic writers I’ve read. I’ve said it over and over but your characterization of Klaus as Caroline both as individuals and as a couple was completely on point. From a technical standpoint, your writing is incredible.

When I came to the end of reading this story for the first time, I felt like I’d read the full scope of a journey, and I had in fact. I can say this enough, but you’re a brilliant writer. Again, I’m so sorry for leaving this so long, but spending hours reading this and writing about it has been such a pleasure. It’s about 2 am now and I’m not sure any of this actually makes sense, but I just want to say again, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing this. It’s a thing of beauty.
snowdrop65 chapter 1 . 2/2/2016
Wow, amazing! I loved it!
popeye12 chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
so so so so perfect!
roseberrygirl chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
Sigh * that was awesome, Caroline finding herself before committing to Klaus, him being steadfast to them being endgame, it's what I always wanted. I loved it.

I think the show runners really failed to read the fandom, because I think so many of us would have been happy with small mentions while TO was starting up, as long as we saw the characters move forward. Both could have had lovers, grown as characters, and we would have been happy as long as there was a small link between them.
Harmony chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Loved it! It was perfect! You have a great understanding of both characters and especially of the dynamic between KC. From what I know, you haven't even watched the show so it really amazes me how well you know them and what works for them.

Amazing talent. Keep it up! Looking forward to more stories from you :)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Loved it! It was perfect! You have a great un
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Good stuff
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