Reviews for Checks and Balances
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Very sweet and Thank you for the read
DSPallas chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
What a touching scene, sharing a cherry pie! Lisbon's thoughts about her decision and Jane's influence, their conversation with all the bickering and nitpicking, but you can feel their bond is lying there just below the surface… It's just perfect. Your depiction of the complexity of their relationship is so clever and accurate! A great tag.
Hayseed Socrates chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Lisbon and Jane sparring on morality issues has always been one of my favorite parts of TM, and you have handled this issue perfectly here.

Confession: I may have melted a little at "I never ignore you." No, Jane, you cannot.

Great tag!
glenda.fo35 chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
Hi, I lovef it... thanks for keep writing about TM :-)
half agony and hope chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
I just reached this episode in my rewatch, so imagine how thrilled I was to discover that you'd posted a tag! I really enjoyed the whole thing, but my favorite part might be the last few lines. I could really picture Lisbon and Jane bantering like this :)
mayzee chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Loved this tag, I actually loved this episode and, expectantly, you wrote a wonderful tag for it. Characterisation spot on as usual. Thank you.
Cutebeekeeper chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Well this was just so perfect! I love their last couple of sentences to each other. :)
French Pumpkin chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Of course I had to watch the episode again after reading your great tag ( and I then had to reread your tag).
Great job, this episode was indeed a very, very good one, very" core" centered, Teresa's decision was soooo heralding her gradual shift towards accepting Jane's point of view on "justice/revenge".
I enjoyed it a lot, and I mean a lot!
Thank you very much!
inkstainedfingers97 chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
I love this. Everything about it. Wonderful opening line. My favorite thing about this story is Lisbon's conflicting reactions to everything Jane does, from being mad at him for manipulating her, to grudgingly accepting that what he'd suggested was the right thing to do, to being annoyed at herself for being happy that he's happy. I liked this line: "What she did know was that Jane's happy aura was gone. She'd killed it dead. Damn." Also liked: "'You won't regret it, Lisbon,' he assured her. Like every time he said that to her, she was pretty sure she would, eventually. But for now, she was kind of hungry." Ha. I love grumpy Lisbon, and I loved Jane persuading her to go get pie to celebrate. I liked the line about her not being used to Jane praising her without it being some form of teasing, too. That is very consistent with my view of the two characters on both ends.

The whole conversation at the end was wonderful. Smart and thoughtful. I particularly liked Jane's point about some laws being passed to favor one group or another, thus perverting justice. So true! But I enjoyed that Lisbon gave as good as she got throughout the discussion. I liked Jane's concept of checks and balances and that Lisbon is kind of a moral compass for him. Rings very true to character. And I loved that the whole piece was underlined with this very rare sweet and honest moment where Jane tells her how pleased he is to know her.

In short, this was marvelous! Thank you for writing.
Clover81 chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
Aww, that was sweet! A sweet imagining into the world of Lisbon's morality versus Jane's morality. I do think the balance each other out just right.
MartyMc49 chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Wonderful insight into both Lisbon and Jane's different philosophy of life.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Thorntons chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Great to see Jane acknowledge his respect for Lisbon, even if it is in a backhanded way.

Really well thought out one shot
Patresa chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
This episode is one of my favs too. That alone could be the reason why i loved it. But I also loved the dialogue. I mean it's just so them, talking about serius stuff over eating. And You Lisbon is SPOT ON!
Azucar chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
I remember this episode! Nicely done tag : )
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