Reviews for A Change of Clothes
Concolor44 chapter 6 . 7/19/2019
Beautiful! Marvelous! I loved this story so much! You got so far into Elsa's psyche, and you did it gradually so we could all see the journey. Bravo!

Adding to Favorites.

(Also, I must thank you for your attention to the nice details of English grammar. It's always refreshing to find a fan-fiction author who has a good grip on the technical aspects of story-telling. When the prose doesn't get in the way of the narrative, you've done your job.)
MortifiedFry chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
I lost it at the "shake 'em all?" joke, LMAO. And all the following joking, it was sooo like her, she found someone with her sense of humor - it was perfect.
DocMui chapter 6 . 10/10/2016
I have to admit, I did enjoy seeing Elsa out of her comfort zone-or, to be honest, discomfort zone. She's very lucky that her friends at the soup kitchen didn't turn on her. A friendship based on a lie is kind of like building a stone castle on top of sand. That said, there was one detail that bugged me-Elsa's hands. Going to the soup kitchen 3 times a week to cut vegetables, wash dishes and otherwise help out will leave her with, at the least, calluses and dry hands-if not full dishpan hand syndrome. Who would notice? Rik should, as well as cuddle bug Anna. Might want to mention that Elsa's been using more hand cream, using a pumice stone, etc., so that she could keep up the charade. Elle is justified in having some wear and tear on her hands, but Queen Elsa isn't. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
azkabcn chapter 6 . 3/26/2016
I'm going to cry. This is so beautiful... I love it so much. All of the volunteers... Rik, Borni, Tove, Tali, Udmund, Prosper... seriously, those guys were awesome. Carsten annoyed me in a way I can't describe but maybe you intended him to be that way. After all, he was constantly annoying Elsa and Arnesen. Now, Arnesen... brilliant guy. I loved his and Elsa's after-meeting... meetings. He was so insightful and I loved the way he told Elsa to challenge Carsten. Anna was, of course, her ever lovely self. I must say you characterised all the canon characters, even Marshmallow, perfectly. Rik though... aww. I love him. His 'sunny grin' was wonderful. I think my favourite part of this is the clothes analogy. The way you described acting differently when in different situations or 'when you have a different outfit on.' Plus the fact that when you are truly yourself, you are naked... guess that means I'm naked when I'm writing then... ;-) Anyway, awesome, awesome, AWESOME story. This is my... third or fourth time reading it (yes it's that awesome) and I've only just decided to leave a review. I'm crazy, I know.

This is me, PhoenixxKnight221 praising you for the millionth time for this story (because you damn well deserve it, geth), over and out.
golden goddess chapter 6 . 1/15/2016
Honestly, I though rik was a girl because if the slender finger thing. Despite having a dude's name. Like Elsa thought a man was mugging her, and then the person looked like a girl, but a flatish, uncurvy girl, and so she could not tell, so Elsa bus fell in love without knowing the gender and didn't care. And they didn't go far enough for her to know for sure, but she didn't care. Elsa doesn't have enough experience with women wearing pants to know gender. I liked the being of the chapter with the short stories but how they were pieced together only slightly. It was a really creative way of writing I hadn't seen before and I really enjoyed it
FaerieTales4ever chapter 6 . 1/10/2016
I just wanted to say I think you did a phenomenal job with this piece. My favorite part was probably seeing Elsa finally hold her own at that meeting. She shed all her clothes and finally allowed herself to be just Elsa. I also appreciated that the Earl (pardon me but I don't know their names) acknowledged her struggles and applauded her for making it through. I really hope you write more in this universe because I love every single one of these characters and would very much enjoy seeing them again.
In regards to your A/N... Now I'm curious. I know that Rik can be used as a boy's name as well as ac girl's, and if you take a glance at my profile, you'll see how much I enjoy writing people of the same gender together, but I honesty thought Rik was a male not because of the name, but how s/he acted. Another reviewer mentioned the comment he made about thanking Elsa for not making fun of the fact that a girl hurt him, and I have to agree. That is not something I have ever heard another girl be concerned about. I also thought it solidified that s/he was male because the abuse of men by women is less commonly represented in the world of fiction, thus explaining, i think, another awesome layer to the character. Also, no woman that I know refers to a woman as simply "lady" unless she means it sarcastically, which Rik did not most of the timer. I would like to know though, what gender you intended Rik to be, as the thought never crossed my mind until i read your note.
Thank you again for such a wonderful tale.
magister.kekko chapter 6 . 1/10/2016
A beautiful ending for an amazing story. The fact that it finished with Elsa and Marshmallow is the final touch.
As for what you write at the beginning of this chapter, I really always assumed Rik was male (don't know if I'm wrong ) especially after he was glad to Elsa for not pointing out that it was a girl who scarred him... such affirmation wouldn't make much sense if he wasn't a man, I thought.
Hope to read some other story soon! Until next time! And thanks for the beautiful story.
MagicOfDisney chapter 6 . 1/10/2016
I'm glad Elsa managed to pass the law & things worked out.
A sweet little story thanks for sharing.
anjelkitty331 chapter 6 . 1/9/2016
Absolutely wonderful story! Beautifully written! Very in depth. I hope you keep writing. You are very talented.
Shadowfax321 chapter 6 . 1/9/2016
Haha, another good story! I'm glad Elsa is able to figure herself out a bit over time, it was nice to see her grow as a person through the experience. Maybe one day she can find a way so her and Rik can be official haha. I like the snippets with Marshmallow too. It seemed like it really helped Elsa kind of reflect on everything.

Thanks for writing this!
warorpeace chapter 6 . 1/9/2016
Beautiful ending. I could speak of many things that made thisfinal chapter beautiful and heart warming, but I think the word beautiful suits it for its simplicity, which is alike to the simplicity in the ending of this chapter. Thank you so much for giving us this story. I'll hopefully await that we'll be seeing a new one from you very soon. Your writing is beautiful. Dont ever let someone say otherwise.

Hoping I'll see you again soon, your faithful reader
MagicOfDisney chapter 5 . 1/9/2016
See the last two chapters were
Sweet I especially enjoyed the last chapter glad Elsa came clean to everyone at the soup kitchen and they were all alright with her. Gotta love the little bits with Anna too.
magister.kekko chapter 5 . 1/9/2016
This is getting better each times! Sorry if I didn't reviewed before... work and whatever drains most of my time. So probably I won't be able to do it soon. But I 'm really supportive of this story, it's catching, deep and overall great. God if I know what they're talking about. .. anyway, I will wait expectantly for the next chapter! Great work!
Unhealed chapter 4 . 1/9/2016
About the previous chapter:

From what I know, Elsa's powers don't work that way, but boy, these Rik/Elsa sidelines. This reminds me of a crossover I've been trying to shake if not for the brats who suckered me into it. The whole thief makeup, the "flitting off because it's like putting on different clothes and just pulling on a whole different person in the morning." This Rik/Elsa idea, despite being an OC/Canon romance, reminds me a lot of Eugene/Rapunzel, or worse yet, my awful inclination towards Eugene/Elsa crossovers. So yeah, I'm cashing in my feels, Cap'n. And it's more than enough fun to see Elsa taking up an alternative lifestyle.
PsiRadish chapter 5 . 1/9/2016
I usually find anything other than Elsanna gross, and that's actually still the case here (once Rik and Elsa started sorta making out I definitely felt the squick), but this is such an excellent exploration of Elsa's psychology that I'm still glad I read it.

It did take a while for Anna to become a real character in the story, though. Before chapter 4 Marshmallow was a better-developed character than she was (not that the Marshmallow stuff isn't awesome).
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