Reviews for A Forgotten Past
KoNeKoLuvsU chapter 8 . 1/13
Seeing how its been a couple years since this was last updated I do hope theres more to this adorable story in the future, its surprisingly hard to find good fanfics of young Ben and Rey
Guest chapter 8 . 6/16/2017
I wonder if Ben still has that pendant? He wears so much clothes he could have it hidden underneath...

Gah, now I'm imagining all this cute shit with them sticking together, like yin and yang. As Ben said once, he doesn't have to be a terrifying mass murdering monster to make use of the Dark Side, though he does need a strong anchor to keep him from falling into that despite intentions. The pair of them bouncing off each other could be pretty awesome.
*imagines people's faces when Rey calls Kylo "Benny" and only gets griping in return, not painful retaliation*
Guest chapter 7 . 6/16/2017
*squeals and coos*
Guest chapter 6 . 6/16/2017
Guest chapter 5 . 6/16/2017
If Rey is a Skywalker, I'd call it plausible that Luke doesn't (or didn't) know he has a daughter- that he hooked up with a woman at some point and didn't learn that she got pregnant before the last he'd seen her. Maybe she was bringing Rey to him to join the Padawans when she heard about the massacre and that's how she ended up on Jakku- it was the first good hiding place her mother could find in the hurry. Maybe Rey /was/ a Padawan but her mother died in childbirth or something and no one ever told her her "mother" was actually a stepmother, or maybe her "father" didn't even know she wasn't his, and why would Luke's little temple bother running her DNA? Unless someone got hurt enough to need more elaborate healing, I could buy them not doing anything with what records there might be for emergencies and thus not noticing.
Then we get the crazy Skywalker genes with less rehashing, potentially.
Hell, if the age gap was just a little bigger, there'd be all kinds of crazy ways for Rey to be /Ben's/ daughter somehow, can you imagine how he'd flip? XD (Most of those ways involve things that would incite Leia to murderous rage, though, so I'm definitely leaving that idea aside without pursuit.)

I saw a good oneshot somewhere that had Luke and Rey discussing the possibilities of who her parents could have been, and Luke talking about a /son/, and Leia -once the urgency of the chaotic crisis had faded- paying closer attention to Finn. I didn't catch enough of the movie to know if they made it a canon thing but Finn explained what he knew off where most Stormtroopers come from- that any children found during raids weren't killed but thoroughly brainwashed/mindwiped and "raised" as he was, so he doesn't actually remember anything from before about ten years old.
And so Leia called Luke to come home a lot damn faster, because her nephew was healed and walking around and had lots of catching up to do. Rey might not have found the family she'd been missing, but she'd found a new one.
The Skywalker line would be thus continued, in an unexpected way.

Then again, I also found a oneshot that was intentionally crack, poking fun at the mass of theories flying around, wherein pretty much /all/ of the new characters were Luke's offspring, on top of also being in relationships of some sort with one another.
It was set in a Star-Wars-updated version of Jerry Springer, of course.
So while having more Skywalkers than the crazy one is nice, I agree it's also unnecessary.

I've also seen the idea that /Ben/ dropped her of on Jakku, to keep her safe even while cutting her away from himself, presumably while he was first leaving after the slaughter. A good clip of that idea also included her being either his baby cousin or baby sister, but just his tiny adorable friend/student works for that theory too. The bond is what matters, not the blood.
tpbryan1222 chapter 8 . 6/30/2016
It has been MONTHS! PLEASE UPDATE! Im dying here! Don't let this story go unfinished!
SparklingSoul chapter 8 . 5/10/2016
I'm enjoying this way too much! Please keep updating:):)
Guest chapter 8 . 2/23/2016
Wonderfully done! I am so in love with this storyline and its characters. Please don't be so long in the writing process.. I'm dying having to wait for the next chapter. Your writing style is amazing and the way you portray the emotions of the characters is thrilling! Thanks for such a wonderful chapter. Please update soon!
River Fox chapter 8 . 2/21/2016
And I can hardly wait for the next chapter. Thank you for this, I hope you're having better times now. It's always wonderful to see you have updated this fic. Please do so again!
Corrine chapter 8 . 2/21/2016
This was a fairly good chapter. The ending, in my opinion, seemed a tad rushed. Otherwise, it was perfect. The lightsaber duels were cool, I'm not surprised with Ben and how his duel turned out. I also loved the pendant scene, that was sweet. Overall, you did a fairly good job on this chapter.
bluejustice13 chapter 8 . 2/20/2016
Ben is definitely being seduced and I am really enjoying the plot! I can't wait for more!
tpbryan1222 chapter 7 . 1/28/2016
:D I am so in love with this story it's unbelievable! The way you interpret the characters is so captivating. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for updating! I just couldn't wait any longer. Please update again soon!

P.S. I love all this cuteness between Ben and Rey, and I love that the concept of this fanfiction could totally fit flawlessly into the Star Wars saga. I can't wait to see how you develop it and how on earth Ben could ever have been lead so deep into the darkness to have even considered killing Rey. I give this story 11 out of 10. Thats how much I love it! :)
River Fox chapter 7 . 1/28/2016
Yesss, you updated, I was getting worried. And a great, fluffy chapter, too! So sweet! Can't wait for the next chapter to this marvelous story, that offers us the background of the characters too. Very well done, you! See you next time! Please update!
Elorrra8787 chapter 7 . 1/28/2016
I love your story so so much. You are a brilliant and unique writer and this Reylo fic is one of a kind, one of the best I came across. Please don't take so long to update..? It's very hard to wait for a notification that there is a new chapter. Addictive plot.
bluejustice13 chapter 7 . 1/27/2016
Aw, such a sweet chapter! Ben seems to be at peace...i can't wait to find out what happens to him, or Ree! Continue!
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