Reviews for Peace by Shattered Piece
Startrek nutcase chapter 4 . 4/19
Wow did I like this - even though it was tear worthy at the end; I enjoyed the glimpse of Zach and Gray and the reference to autism to explain Gray's mannerisms at times
tselea chapter 4 . 7/22/2018
So close to bawling. Good gravy you hurt my heart!
HW1023 chapter 4 . 7/14/2018
This is incredible. This last chapter especially... I don't know that anything in FanFiction has ever hit me that hard before. Your writing is beautiful, and you have provided some really deep, meaningful insight into these characters that I already loved so much. Thank you so much for writing this - You are VERY talented.
Nayami-Chan chapter 4 . 6/4/2017
okay so this was a short fic, so i thought a small cute thing to read right? and i'm reading and its really good and touching, I loved the bits where they went to visit Blue and the bit with Zack Grey and Gwen them talking it out and the boys admitting they thought of Claire and Owen as mum and dad (I would love if that was expanded upon as I love those themes in Jurassic World fics). And the parts with Ellie and Alan were a nice touch, sometimes it doesn't flow right but you made in natural and i LOVE how you included the raptor resonating chamber! cuz damn i dont know why that never got used. BUT when you said this chapter was a tear jerker... I didn't believe you. I thought aww its a sad chapter i wonder what about? but nah i probably wont cry its a short fic i havent gotten that attached... And I was wrong... i did fricken cry, i was as i started writing this, and i thought damn she really did make me cry... son of a bitch i didnt think i would. So i wrote this review while praising your fic it was definitely good; I just really wanted to inform you of your success at making me cry. Im not sure how many other readers have admitted to it. But i as an author you want to tug at others heartstrings so i therefore have informed you of your success. dammit... i wasn't ready for Blue to die, Rexy yes i was sad and i think i might have started crying there but Blue... my poor sweet Blue. Im glad you gave her a proper burial thank you.
AngelfromBeyondBelow chapter 4 . 5/15/2017
Awww! :'( This made me cry, it is so sad. But amazingly well written. Such a fantastic story.
hls-myth chapter 4 . 5/7/2017
I really liked where you took this future story! Of course I bawled at the end! It made me need to hug my giant dog!
1Gabs chapter 4 . 4/9/2017
I know im a bit slow off the mark finding these stories but it was such a lovely story I thought it was well worth the belated review! I hope you are still writing stories, you've got great style and portrey your characters beautifully. Loved this!
ShittyStoryBro chapter 3 . 4/6/2017
Gwen is a bitch and Zach is a jackass. As if the movie didn't suck ass you had to make a story ten times worse. Bravo.
zabani-chan chapter 2 . 4/29/2016
Are you going to continue this story? I really hope so! I like the ones that have Alan and Owen & his raptors in them.
BlueRubyBeat chapter 2 . 3/21/2016
Awwwww! That was so cute when Blue and Owen reunited! Loved the scene! And it's a little sad that Owen had to leave her! I can't wait till they meet again! Though I also can't wait for Alan to be in it cause I love his character too! Yay!
Velocirapter 1 chapter 2 . 3/9/2016
this seems like the perfect story line for jurassic world 2
Velocirapter 1 chapter 2 . 3/9/2016
I love it. the part with Owen talking to Alan, it really does fit in nicely. I like that part the most. it's perfect the way it is. hope the next chapter will be just as great.
Glowstone's Pen chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
Three/four shot? This is an awesome sequel waiting to be written!
And you would write it so well too. ;)
Honestly, I'm getting hyped just thinking about it. (you should really consider)
This was kinda bitter-sweet to read. Sad because of all that happened on Isla Nublar (death of our precious raptor Squad, save but one, and the etc.), but sweet because of the happy moments of the possible future, and the present one.
The romance between Claire and Owen was well done, and a joy to read. (I am a sucker for a good romance)
And naturally the mention of Zach and Gray (Whom I loved just as much as Owen, Claire, and the Raptor Squad) had my attention spiraling down a path of all the possibilities of a sequel. (yeah, I might not let that one drop)
Zara's daughter Gwen took me by surprise, though. I haven't heard of her before. Is she an Original Character, or is she actually in the Jurassic Universe? Definitely looking that up.
Anyways, great job definitely coming back.
Keep up the awesomeness!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Really great, I enjoyed this! Can't wait for the rest!