Reviews for MY BOYS - REDUX
Stacey1973 chapter 25 . 9/17/2019
Thank you for the happy ending
Stacey1973 chapter 26 . 9/17/2019
Loved it!
SupernaturalNova1981 chapter 26 . 11/30/2018
Great story! I loved it!
NightReader22 chapter 26 . 3/5/2018
I like the fact that they finally found a happy ending :) Great story!
scootersmom chapter 26 . 2/6/2018
I thought this story was great! I loved the way they had a normal life at the end never know when it might end. It was a little creepy at the end knowing what was out there, but I knew they could handle it as brothers.
Guest chapter 26 . 2/5/2018
wow! loved the ending- i was following all along and am really really glad you decided to stick with it till the en! thank you os much, it was a pleasure reading and i hope you write more- ill be sure to read!
Mama's Stories chapter 26 . 2/6/2018
Finally having the life they always desired.
But what type of work are they doing?
babyreaper chapter 26 . 2/5/2018
So the boys gave up hunting and moved to Austin and lived a normal life? The secret journal of John and what he had written in it was never brought up again? I like that the boys are safe and happy but it all seemed to end every quickly. John just up and left them alone? Enjoyed it a lot thx for updating.
SPN Mum chapter 26 . 2/5/2018
It's really nice seeing Sam and Dean together, with a happy home. They both deserved it so much. It's sad that San still has occasional nightmares, but it seems their life is good otherwise. I'm glad that Dean feels they will be able to face anything the future may bring, as long as they are together. :)

Great job writing this! Looking forward to your next story! :)
Mama's Stories chapter 25 . 2/1/2018
John was insane before the demon took him !
What will the boys do next?
John is going to be their number one problem!
SPN Mum chapter 25 . 2/1/2018
It just figures that John would sneak into Sam's room while no one but Sam was there. I'm glad that Sam woke up, but I wish Dean hadn't taken so long with his shower. Sam stood his ground and didn't let John intimidate him, but I'm glad that Dean showed up when he did. John is going to hunt for the demon on his own, because Sam wants away from hunting, and Dean is staying with Sam. :0
SPN Mum chapter 24 . 2/1/2018
It was nice for Sam to meet Mary and spend some time with her, and I'm glad that she told Sam that Dean would always choose him over anything and anyone else. Sam needed to hear that. It's good that Dean was there, calling Sam to wake up. It seems that Bobby thinks it's important for Dean to stay with Sam, maybe because Bobby doesn't quite trust John. I'm glad Bobby is making John wait to see Sam until Sam is ready. Dean being ravenous is typical, so I'm glad he'll be able to eat soon. lol
babyreaper chapter 25 . 1/31/2018
Wow, John certainly takes the biscuits, after being told to leave Sam alone, thank goodness Dean showed up, no telling what John would have done, and I doubt Sam could have defended himself. I sometimes think that Dean sees John through rose tinted glasses, even after everything he's still sorry to see him go, unlike Sam. Will he regret his decision to stay? Thx for updating.
Souless666 chapter 25 . 1/30/2018
I'll be honest. I'm with John here.
Mama's Stories chapter 24 . 1/30/2018
Who shot him?
Did Bobby see them?
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