Reviews for A Very Harry Christmas
Intervigilium chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
This makes me hate Christmas with summer so much...

With friends like Harry's, what more do you need? Beautiful story.
Bad Mum chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
Ah, there is so much to love in this. I think my favourite part is how everyone pitches in to help Harry give Ginny a perfect Christmas surprise. Hermione masterminding the whole thing is just right, of course (though I'm impressed at her daring to brave Harrod's on Christmas Eve), George would know the right things for a party, and Luna doing the art and craft is just perfect. Lovely - and quite unexpected - use of the prompts to make a lovely story. Thank you so much.
blue artemis chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
This was very sweet. I especially liked Luna helping him make an ornament.
camillablue chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Harry creating the perfect Christmas for Ginny is so, so perfect. I love Hermione and Luna helping him out, and the characterization of everyone was on point. Such a lovely little gift fic :)
neither here nor ethere chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Oh, so cosy and Chrismassy. I just know Harry would want all the festive touches; he'd not had them to take for granted. And I can see, like you do, author, that it wouldn't be about the presents, but about the food, the homemade decorations, the togetherness. Lovely! (And I think I know who wrote this one, and that is a little gift in and of itself.)
scrappy8 chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
great job