Reviews for A fox in the real world
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 17 . 4/6
Fucking beautiful. I love Sappy endings
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 16 . 4/6
Wtf? What about the broken leg man? How the hell is he walking now? He would still need the crutches, not to mention I doubt even ahri would try to fuck him if it would cause extreme pain. Like, come on
Guest chapter 5 . 3/30
In this chapter when James and abrí are at kyles home and ahri called James her pillow I would say:
What’s wrong with y’all you niggars are CRAZY!
trelleris chapter 17 . 1/12
this is genuinely one of the best start to finish stories I have read in my 300 plus fanfics that I have read thank you very much for your effort in writing it
Guest chapter 18 . 3/2/2019
Ah, that was great. I wasn't sure what to expect back at chapter 1, but this has been a great read.

Inspirational words at the beginning of the chapter, and while I can share the sentiment of the other reviewers about how things ended, I'm also content with how you made it happen.

Not every story ends in a "happily ever after", but this came pretty damn close considering that James lived the best damn life he could've, being a human.

Hope that you still read reviews, and that this reaches you. Thank you.
freddy.lane.1 chapter 18 . 11/27/2017
so that's how it happened. And its been a while since i last read one of your stories. I feel like im getting old.
Captain Gangplank S9 chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
so this story had a good ending
Captain Gangplank S9 chapter 17 . 10/17/2017
umm can u make a alternative ending, that making him immortal with ahri
Marshman101 chapter 17 . 5/4/2017
Damit this ending made me cry
sad ass bitch chapter 17 . 4/30/2017
fuck you
Hexingmaniac chapter 17 . 12/6/2016
I'll be honest, the epilogue was really bad, in my opinion. This ending felt like it came out of nowhere, like the author decided that he wanted to have a sad ending at the last possible moment. That being said, the rest of the story is very good, but as far as I care, this ending never happened.
DarkxL1nk chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
Is there a way I can contact you? I have a few questions. In all honesty I did enjoy the story.. In the beginning you had a pretty damn good portrayal of Ahri (my main Champion btw).. Slightly changing her portrayal and confidence as the story progressed. Ahri is in my opinion about 24 human years and much older as a fox, so why was she in school? Another question, out of all the champions in the League of Legends, why Ahri? Were you hinting that the sexy fox was on his mind when she appeared on top of him? (I do recall you saying the machine was mental powered). Why did Ahri choose someone so young if she sleeps with so many guys (and probably champions) every day? Why did she trust him and his confidence in the beginning? Why did they get convinced to let her in the world without running tests on her (ESPECIALLY after she summoned fox fires on the scientists)? Again, I loved your story, I promise.. I just like to hear the Authors reasons behind things like this
Eclipse Krypton chapter 17 . 4/30/2016
Absolutely amazing story! I was absolutely hooked on it since I couldn't take a break longer than 30 minutes haha! Definitely one of the best fanfics I've read so far.
Tyler chapter 17 . 4/29/2016
Oh. My. God. I am in tears right now. Why do you have to do this to me. Still, amazing story
ADudeFromTheLeague chapter 17 . 4/6/2016
Dear John,

you sneaky bitch xDD you almost made me cry at work...
I don't have such a intressting work so I often read Fanfics.
You are really one of the best writer so far.
You totally get how the characters think.
It was/is an awesome story that really got me from the first chapter.

So yeah... keep up the good work 3
I look forward to read another LoL FanFic from you good sir ;D

Best regards
A Dude
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