Reviews for Halflings
desireejones99 chapter 17 . 7/27
really, really, really enjoyed this story! i have read quite a lot of your stories and i am sorry that you feel under appreciated from the lack of reviewers, but i will tell you that i am guilty of not reviewing every chapter...but i have a reason (excuse)-i get sooooo engrossed in stories (we are talking big time!) and they just end.

nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing...i made it a rule to only read "complete" stories. i even look at the last pages to get an extremely *vague* look to see if it is done without total spoilage-even then, some of them frickin' trick me and keep the story going (and the majority of those little fuckers still stop!). please don't think poorly of me. i suppose i can look for you elsewhere, but my first "go to" list is in the fan-fic. site. great respect for you and your work! the most important part though: story be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...momma likes.
mrspeacox chapter 17 . 1/23
OMG. I have to apologize. I skipped your story several times before I gave it a chance and then I couldn’t put it down. I legit stayed up too late, ignored a few things at work, cuz I couldn’t stop reading it. When I wasn’t reading it, I was thinking about it. I couldn’t wait to finish it but am now sad that I did. Great job!
AliceCullen3 chapter 17 . 11/20/2018
ndravenx chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
octopi isn't a word
Miketsukami-kun chapter 16 . 10/8/2017
just wanted to let you know that I really hope you continue this with it's last chapter. I read it forever ago it seems like and every once in a while its one of those stories that pops up in my head and I remember how great it was then I have to go on a search to find it so I can read it again! just wanted to make sure that you knew your work is amazing and not forgotten by the people who read it!
anon chapter 16 . 2/5/2017
I'm sorry that you haven't been getting much response here.
For what it's worth I'm following your work both on here and on AO3, so I will continue to read your work.
Guest chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
Oh my god! I love Bobby. I miss Bobby. I would have killed Benny for making me wait for that kind of news. And Sam?! Do not get me started on Sam. What. A. Dick. I mean, I get it. Kinda. But Jesus Christ on a cracker. And I love that Chuck was the judge. And the smut as usual was amazing. And Sam! He'd better fucking grovel.
legsinger chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
I follow you over at AO3, which is why I don't usually comment here. Sorry if it makes you feel bad.
horsegirl2430 chapter 16 . 2/5/2017
I was super excited to see your name pop on my inbox. Just had the thought the other day that I was going thru withdrawal since it's been so long that I've gotten anything from you. Coulda swore I was subscribed to you on AO3...guess not since I wasn't aware of you posting stories. Gonna have to fix that! I totally thought this story was over, but super surprised and very happy it's not over juuuust yet. Love this story and these characters. Can't wait to see their story wrap up!
Sushi Hawkeye chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
I don't comment much but I really liked your work! It's definitely one of my favorite fanfics, and one of the more memorable ones too. I'll look out for you on AO3.
Pbmolecules chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
I follow you on both ff and AO3. I find ff difficult to post on as well. AO3 is friendlier. I used to rely on ff because I am visually impaired and it was friendlier, however, I have found a way to adapt AO3. See you there! And you are never alone in your writing. We are here, reading and loving it!
MarieNovakWinchester chapter 15 . 1/27/2017
Miss you and your stories. I need to get on my tumblr more often. Hope you and everything is okay!
clueingforcasdean chapter 15 . 10/29/2016
Miketsukami-kun chapter 14 . 10/24/2016
Ah I'm so happy! I just took multiple midterms and coming home to find that you made more chapters has infinitely brightened my day thank you so much, it was amazing!
Damien-Rose chapter 13 . 10/24/2016
i like how your bad news wasn't like really bad news. lol like it was totally serviceable... and good chapter i enjoyed it like always :p
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