Reviews for 4A Forever
Guest chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
Why would Howard want to be a professor? Aerospace engineers make over 100,000 per year, which, contrary to what recent seasons have attempted to tell us, is not "peanuts."

It's always been apparent that Howard is more into the applied/practical side of science than the academic/theoretical side. This was stated in the very first episode of the show.

He'd be more likely to go to work in the private sector or directly for the US Govt.
C.Brannon chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
Why would Howard want to be a professor? Aerospace engineers make over 100,000 per year, which, contrary to what recent seasons have tried to tell us, is not "peanuts."

It's always been apparent that Howard more into the applied/practical side of science than the academic/theoretical side. This was stated in the show's very first episode; it's the very first thing the character tells us about himself.

He'd be much likelier to find a job in the private sector or working directly for the US govt.

The show's recurring joke about Howard's lack of a Phd is exactly that; a joke. A Phd is not relevant or necessary in all professions and it does not automatically bring someone a larger salary or higher status. That's not how these things work. It's not a promotion, it's a different direction.
bamadude chapter 1 . 2/10/2016
I hate to say it, but I'd rather read Sheeny bullshit than this. I'll ignore your stories in the future.