Reviews for In Case of Emergency
DarkAngelDan98 chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Hahahaha! Laxus is such a worry wart maybe Pike isn't completely to blame for his fear of the unknown. I think Laxus and Lisanna actually act more like a brother and little sister than she does with Elfman (sorry big guy) Bickslow should actually count himself lucky for getting off with a light shock for yelling at Mira...seriously I know that Thunder Legion are Laxus' people but I think it's pretty obvious that the demon is on a whole other tier. I'm not even sure Freed would be safe if someone showed the tape of Freed making Mira cry in The Battle of Fairy Tail...even if it technically was his fault but as we all know the Thunder God can do no wrong *sigh* I'm glad he's got Mira and Lisanna to reign him in.
tc. melor chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Omg...! I really love this story..
Laxus always love and care his little baby demon... Awwwwwwww...! You're completely mke my day's angel_chan..
Mira D. Blackjack chapter 1 . 12/18/2015
"I know everything that I will ever need to know. And I know, deep down, that if you were truly ever hurt, your dragon would get you help. Don't you believe that? Huh?"

Awwwwww... This is sweet ever..! I do love this story... Well done, dear... :) and Thunder Strauss Tribe are so hilarious.. Hahaha, :D