Reviews for Home
Frecnedeor chapter 10 . 12/18/2019
(for chapter 11, since I apparently already commented on that one).

I can't help but check back here every few weeks... I'm dying for an update!

Ava's feelings (emotional and physical) are so tangible; one of the many reasons this story is such a delight to read. This chapter finally addressed the tension between her and Fyr after so long! Now of course, we have the real, looming decision, and the pit of uncertainty eating at Ava is just as real as everything else has been. Not gonna lie, I really want her to stay!
Rachel0424 chapter 11 . 11/6/2019
I love this story so far, hope you update! ️
Frecnedeor chapter 11 . 7/9/2019
Aaaahhhh! Such a good chapter, great tension building as always, and uh, my heart! I will be devestated if she goes home at this point! Thanks for the update :)
TheSephy101 chapter 11 . 7/6/2019
hey it's Sera! missed you! what a fantastic update though :D hope to see you again soon. 3
Kayaln chapter 11 . 7/5/2019
it's about time! you were killing me here
Frecnedeor chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
Loving this story so much. Can't wait for an update!
sarco polo chapter 10 . 10/12/2018
Really enjoying this ff. If I woke up one day with this much information overload I'd be curled up in a ball on the floor. Also, Fyr is awesome. I 3 finding a story with a legit enticing love interest. Please continue!
HeavenBent chapter 10 . 10/12/2018
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with reviews, but I've been lurking..

What I can say is I've been following this story since the beginning and am so excited to see how it ends. I'm really glad you've kept going. I can feel Ava's growing uncertainty about how much she actually wants to go home. Despite everything she has been through and the harsh lessons she's learning about Azeroth and magic and, uh, humanity(in elves and non-humans too?), she is coming to love the place. And Fyr, obviously, as anyone sane would.

I like how the story has kept a lighthearted undertone throughout. There's a lot in here that could go super dark and serious, but it hasn't strayed too far. She has changed drastically after the legion portal, but not unbelievably so, so kudos for that. What an interesting story so far. I can't wait to see what comes next, especially with her and Fyr. I may be in love with Fyr and Ava both BTW. Just sayin.

PS: Every time I read a new chapter I want to go back and play WoW again, and I think that says something about your vivid writing style.
PPS: Please provide us with more of Fyr with no clothes on. Thanks.
DeliciousCookie chapter 7 . 10/9/2018
What a unbelievable moron. Urgh, it's like she wants to fall into trouble, get maimed, die or worse.
I'll give the next chapter a shot, but I feel like I'm losing brain cells.
Caravell chapter 10 . 9/25/2018
AHHH I just found this story two days ago and I have barely been able to put it down! Finally caught up and I just have to say: holy god if these two don't just get a room by the end of this story, I'll throttle them both. Actually they sort of have a room I guess. Still though.

This whole story is golden. I'm really hoping to see ava stay in azeroth. She cant leave fyr. They are just too perfect together, especially now. If I was in that position, I would totally stay. I would just send a note back to earth and be like 'hey i'm alive and i love you but i'm not coming back, ok thanks g'bye.'
I think we all want our own Fyr to run away with.

Also i am curious to see if james resurfaces at any point.

Anyhow, do keep going! I am loving this story so damn much, it legit might be my favorite fanfic ive ever found.
Sera chapter 10 . 9/10/2018
YOURE BACK! missed you!
Sionnach 'Foxy' Lightfoot chapter 10 . 9/12/2018
The Forsaken still give me the heebie-jeebies...

Fyr and Ava are brilliant together. You've written them really well. I love it! Ava's magic is awesome as well. The spontaneity and the untapped potential is really intriguing.

I'm really rooting for you! Your story is brilliant and this update was well worth the wait. Kudos from me!
QuizicalGin chapter 10 . 9/1/2018
Never too late! I had to reread a bit to jog my memory but i loved this new addition. I feel Ava's pain for the curse of bashfulness striking but it was still a funny scene.
Kayaln chapter 10 . 8/28/2018
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. I MISSED YOU. I couldn’t stop screwing when I saw your update nor smiling when I read your chapter. It’s soooo goooood. And I kept fangirling at Fyva (yes that’s my ships name) moments. I’m glad you returned and I can’t wait for what you have I store for the next one.
QuizicalGin chapter 9 . 6/24/2018
Yeeee, I do hope you come back to writing this one day. I've been reading it through all day. Your characters are well written and story engaging!
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