Reviews for Look before you peek
libbyj111 chapter 3 . 4/25/2019
Another good chapter...YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS
libbyj111 chapter 2 . 4/25/2019
I LOVE THIS SO Funnnnnnytyyyyyy
Guest chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
are traps gay?
Sigh chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
*Warning* this is a yuri fic.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
That's incorrect. Senpai is a girl pretending to be a man. Ain't got no penis and have breasts and other female reproductive organs. It's a girl. This society is so twisted. It's like if you sexually identify with a cat in your head, it doesn't make you one. Just like the so called man giving birth recently is actually a woman. The female reproductive system is so complicated that it can't be replicated in a male body. That's what separates the two.
A Simple Tree chapter 5 . 2/5/2017
This fanfic is awesome. :-)
Guest chapter 5 . 9/24/2016
*clap,clap,clap* great write more :)
Kel chapter 5 . 9/9/2016
Aha, things are heating up now! And not just that furnace. :P
Keep up the awesome and stay snazzy.
dman199 chapter 4 . 8/31/2016
Oh God. Please, more. Please.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/30/2016
More? Tell us there is more!
fandomtrash54 chapter 4 . 6/27/2016
Oh my god, don't tease me like this! The story is so good please update some time soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
Please don't hurt kokona
JustAFan chapter 4 . 6/13/2016
Hmm...Now I wonder if we can electrocute Midori in-game or if that is only debugged for Kokona.
No! Yamada-senpai it wasn't Ayano!
Cursed Detective's Pupil chapter 2 . 5/15/2016
OOOOOOOHHH SHHHHHIIIIIITTTEEEE This is so... so... in YandereSim element! I'm half-tempted convinced that you're the game maker Yandere-chan is so canon here where her thoughts revolve around Senpai and blood and Senpai and killing and Senpai Senpai Senpai and not like the other stories where they branch the story to her family or another stalker OC that just doesn't make it YandereSim anymore ugh YOU'RE AMAZING
LALALALALALALALA chapter 4 . 4/15/2016
This is so amazing! Please update it as soon as you can!
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