Reviews for The Spirit of Change
Insertnamehere chapter 4 . 6/9
I've just stumbled upon this series and I'm completely in love w/ Kazuo! I'm usually more of a kyalin fan but honestly Kazuo is a very good fit for Lin, it feels so natural... I'd love to see them begin an honest to goodness romantic relationship, I'd love to see you write that side of Lin :3
I hope you'll continue updating! Lots of love xxx
Carol chapter 4 . 6/1
I'm so sad :(( please don'y let this be the end of Lin and Kaz's story, I love them so much and your writing is soo good! I've been reading your stories since the beggining and I keep coming back for more :)
TuryA chapter 4 . 11/25/2019
Ok, first of all, I'm commenting in portuguese because I'm to excited to change the language.
Li as histórias de Lin e Kaz em 2017 e simplesmente amei (porque, obviamente Lin Beifong é a melhor personagem de toda TLOK). Então pensei "Ah, queria tanto matar a saudade dessa fanfic'"
Tá, ok, em passinho de bebê, MAS CONTINUA. Isso é lindo. Sei que provavelmente você tem uma vida corridíssima, então eu vou só ficar rezando para que você consiga tempo e inspiração para escrever.
Orc.h.ID chapter 4 . 10/25/2019
I just found your work and it is truly amazing! I really like Kazuo and the way you have developed him and the story as a whole.
I would really love to see more to this timeline, all in all you're a great writer! Congrats!
dollvix chapter 3 . 5/1/2019
Gracias a ti por regresar. Extrañaba tanto tus escritos... y me has hecho tan fanática del Linzuo que no puedo esperar por más, espero continúes con este genial trabajo.
ToastWeaselofDOOM chapter 4 . 3/25/2019
Stupid excited to see this fic updated as always. I love Lin and Kaz, and how this little universe has been spun. Excited to see where it goes, especial with Lin now in quiet romantic despair. ;)
mricj chapter 4 . 3/24/2019
Since I finished rewatching LoK, I haven't had much interest in the fandom or in the fics, but your fics always manage to bring me back, to make me feel the exact same things I'd feel when watching another episode- well, even better, since in your universe Kaz is here too, and I love seeing him and Lin together, and I want to thank you for it! Your fic is amazing, all of them are, and I can't even describe how I feel when I get a notification on my inbox, telling me you've updated. Thank you!

Anyways: another great chapter, and I especially loved the part where Lin goes back to Republic City! It's nice to see Lin going back to action! Can't wait for more :)
Guest chapter 4 . 3/23/2019
I'm so happy you updated! I love where this story is going and can't wait to see how Lin and Kaz meet up again
Guest chapter 4 . 3/23/2019
Yaaayyy you updated at last! It can't be the end for Lin and Kaz's relationship can it? He's the main light she has in her life!
Please please please continue!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/14/2019
Please update this I wanna see more Linzuo love!
Omg chapter 3 . 2/22/2019
What a delight it was to find another chapter for this story! I hope you write more!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/17/2018
Please keep it up, this is such a cute couple!
ThePlatinumLotus chapter 3 . 12/17/2018
This is very good, I hope you continue.
Spaild chapter 3 . 12/17/2018
After all that she's been through, having someone for a pillow talk scares her. But Kaz is gentle in dealing with her and I love reading both learning to live together.
Please keep writing.
Spaild chapter 2 . 12/17/2018
If Lin told Tenzin what she wants by staying there, he would have her cheeks flushed.
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