Reviews for The new Death Eater
icecatfire chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
;-; ... but he DID siri, he DID do something to make you proud. *huggles brave regulus*
KamiKaze Knight chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
i always wondered, what actually had made Sirius to believe his brother was killed when he was trying to escape from Voldemort, and here you come up with this piece of work.
emotional one!:)
miriel's granddaughter chapter 1 . 12/3/2015
Aww. Sad. They seem like hey need hugs. Probably especially from each other. Actually, that might help things more than just emotional.
The-Black-Rose-of-Gallifrey chapter 1 . 12/3/2015
This is heartbreaking (but in a good way), and really reminds you that Sirius didn't know his brother died fighting Voldemort.
One small typo, however. Close to the end, Remus says "needs" instead of "need".
Good job!
Drifting17 chapter 1 . 12/3/2015
I really liked this fic. :)
I've read a few of your stories before any I always love how you portray the characters, they seem very realistic. I especially liked how you showed Sirius and Regulus talking in this one because I think this is how they would act in canon and it was very well written. Awesome fic!