Reviews for BioChem - The Origin Story, pt 1
NattyJane chapter 27 . 2/2/2018
I really hope you make the second part to this
Taazar chapter 27 . 9/6/2017
Loved reading this, I just loved how you portrayed Bobbi and Nat and I can't wait for the 2nd part of this.
NattyJane chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
please please please make a sequal to this story I want to see what happens ith clint and Natasha and this is just great I read the whole story in a day and personally it just isn't long enough and it is really hard to find good long stories and I need more
Flareup4Ratchet chapter 27 . 3/17/2017
I do read this story still, I just don't review cause I either can't think of anything to say in the review or I just don't have time due to real life.

Great job! Can't wait to read more!
AgentofLegends27 chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
I love this so update with the new one soon:)
SlytherinAvengerPrincess chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
Have a sleep over, binge watch Disney princess movies (including Anastasia cuz that can't just not happen and its Bobbi and Hill of course it has to happen), maybe to a ballet or something.
Pikapegasus chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
Now it's time to watch my assassin children go on random dates together, HOOOORRRRAAAYY!
Can Clint and Nat go on a date to Disneyland or something that must be a first for both of them right
clyn23 chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
Your story is awesome. I love the way you have the relationships with Nat, Hill, Morse and May. Maybe some things Nat would like to do are go sledding, miniature golf, or play tag(these could have great potential with their skillsets).
ilikehats2 chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
First time Nat sees/reads Harry Potter. First time they take Nat to the movie theater. First time Clint tells Nat about Barney. I want it all!
Sanctuaria chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
Loved this entire installment and definitely looking forward to the next! Things that Nat might want to do...Disneyland? Rollercoasters? Or just like...go to a playground or a normal school for a day, because I bet she's never been to one before. Have Clint take her to an arcade because they're bored one day only to have her refuse to leave until she's beaten at least one high score, which is bad because she's never even played any of the games before and they've been there for HOURS.

Sorry if all those suggestions suck lol; it was the best I could come up with off the top of my head.
SlytherinAvengerPrincess chapter 26 . 2/25/2017
Excuse me while I go cry in the corner.
ilikehats2 chapter 26 . 2/25/2017
Atleast they can go to May and be like, 'WE'RE FRIENDS AGAIN!' at the very least, May has to know about this. I refuse to think that May will be kept out of the loop.
But aw. I wanna hold Nat too. Like stupid Barton... idiot him and Bobbi. Nearly ruined a friendship.
If Bobbi is like this now with anyone coming near Nat, I worry over poor fucking Lance Hunter when the BlackWidow repeatingly hears about him. Clint will have to barely restrain them both from killing him or threatening him or just scaring him away because no one is good enough for Bobbi.

Also, too many feels from Agents of Shield. Too many feels. Absolutely too many.
Pikapegasus chapter 26 . 2/24/2017
Yayyyyy my angsty children are back!
Also Natasha same me too feelings are Rough and you deserve all good things
SwifteForeverAndAlways chapter 26 . 2/24/2017
Wow. That was INTENSE! Good job, though! You are amazing! *smiley face emoji* *heart eye emoji* (in a totally platonic way though)
ilikehats2 chapter 25 . 12/31/2016
Coulson knows all! SO happy you updated and Happy New Year. When nat mentioned the thing about getting back with people you don't trust with secrets, I thought of Hunter. I don't know why. But I'm so interested and worried about everyone... MAY DONT GO TO ADMIN PLEASE STAY! Well, I suppose she must go for the sake of the story but I want her to stay! Awesome chapter.
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