Reviews for Chosen Children
Rean-Bell chapter 16 . 12/25/2019
Please continue, this is an amazing story and I want to know what will happen next! I'm hooked up and want to see it through the end! :D
I want to know what's happening to Daisuke and how the rescue mission will go as. We all know what will happen to Tai and Agumon and the others, but Daisuke and V-mon's fates remain unknown at this time :(
Will she be sucked in with Tai and Agumon, stayed with the others, or will something else happen to her? There's so much I want to know next! Please you have to continue!

Also I think Daisuke and Jun should have a little brother around, Davis. Just a little different than the one in canon where he isn't all crazy about Kari more like they have a sibling relationship with each other and are great friends, isn't the jealous type like he was with TK instead are great friends from the start and doesn't seek attention in any way or form only if certain situations call for it, not as stupid as people claim him to be and is smarter as he sees things from a different perspective like his older sister Daisuke and has almost the same powers and instants as her, and is a better soccer player than Tai equal to Ken. But he does retain his willingness to never give up and always helps his friends no matter what, even almost having the same type of Digimon like Daisuke only his Veemon is male.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/17/2019
pls continue :) I want to know what happens next, what'll happen to Daisuke?
Danixa Garcia chapter 16 . 9/18/2018
Hi, I was wondering if you will finish doing the fan fiction soon, it is really cool and amazing.
Lysab9113 chapter 16 . 8/6/2018
Please update soon I wanna know what happens to Daisuke
Guest chapter 16 . 7/3/2018
When are you going to begin writing the Chosen Children is there more. Please it's getting interesting of at the end of Chapter 16 V-Mon was crying as well as she was being comforted by Gabumon and Sora was hugging Biyomon to her chest in worry.

Clencing his fist in frustration, Matt turned to glare at the pyramid.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/5/2018
When are you going to continue with the story I want to hear more it's interesting.
Br0ken-wishes chapter 16 . 12/20/2016
More please
NyanCat chapter 16 . 8/26/2016
Great story so far & I'm loving it a lot! I was wondering about something for a while. Please answer this in the next chapter if possible!
Is there gonna be a sequel to this? If there is, who will be Daisuke's successor? She can't be with the younger generation all the time since she's the same age as Tai, Matt, and Sora and Izzy is a year younger than her!
Can't the Motomiyas have 3 children instead of 2? Like Jun is the eldest, Daisuke "Dais" is the second and the youngest is actually a boy, Davis, whose the same age as TK & Kari. Wouldn't it make more sense if that was the case? Davis wouldn't be almost the same boy from the series, just not 'Kari' obsessive so much! I'm asking u to think it over please~!
Guest chapter 16 . 8/18/2016
Make a twist outta it! Just let Tai & Agumon get sucked into the portal and get Daisuke kidnapped & located somewhere else in the digital world with V-mon with her and have her find her crest! Make her kidnapping look like a scene in the 'Legend of Zelda Wind Waker' where Tetra is unconscious carried by a bird and gets dropped by it, do a scene similar to that. Everyone is looking for their friends and Sora is the one to find her.
Osheana259 chapter 16 . 8/16/2016
Hey, great story so far! In the next chapter, Daisuke sees that it's Sora's crest right? What if you added a few other twist like Daisuke demonstrating some of the power she has within her as the digi-destine of miracles in front of Datamon? The digimon notices she's much different than the other digi-destine and that she has great power within her that he desires to control but can't even after the copying is done. Maybe Datamon will try to actually control Daisuke in person instead of making a replica of her and trying to fail to transfer her power into it. What do you think?
carolaineclipse chapter 16 . 8/17/2016
you know that was published a new season of digimon adventure digimon adventure called Trii the last weekend saw the first 8 chapters. or depart; you elected oldest. ken again becomes the emperor of the digimon, I'm worried still not out what happened to Davis Yoley and cody. I personally think that something bad had to have happened to davis to allow ken again became the emperor of the digimon
Princess of Miracles chapter 16 . 8/17/2016
Osheana259:Hey, great story so far! In the next chapter, Daisuke sees that it's Sora's crest right? What if you added a few other twist like Daisuke demonstrating some of the power she has within her as the digi-destine of miracles in front of Datamon? The digimon notices she's much different than the other digi-destine and that she has great power within her that he desires to control but can't even after the copying is done. Maybe Datamon will try to actually control Daisuke in person instead of making a replica of her and trying to fail to transfer her power into it. What do you think?
Wishfull-star chapter 16 . 8/16/2016
that was a great chapter and I can't wait for whatever happens next:)
Tony Anderson chapter 16 . 8/16/2016
Nice work.
Knight of Loyalty chapter 16 . 8/16/2016
Cool so will Daisuke be sucked into the portal along with tai and metalgreymon like in your adventures redone story?
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