Reviews for The loves of my life
Umiron chapter 4 . 7/12/2018
Damn, I always loved Lin. This really tickled me in the heart. Btw, chapter 1 and chapter 3 have the same typo: tittle.
soulsborne123 chapter 5 . 7/17/2017
Oh my gosh! I forgot I had added this to my list a while back but forgot to review it! Each chapter was superb! Everytime Mai choked back a tear, I felt myself feeling the same. It's hard to choose, but my favorite would have to be the latest one because I absolutely love the awkward emotionality of these two silly women! Ayako is such a great character and you wrote her so well here. I love the necklace bit and the fact that you drew from your own experience. The raw emotion really came through! My next fave would have to be Lin because that is SO like him to do in secret, steady rock of the group. I think Yasu is left. But ahhh, I hope you also make one for Naru as well! It sounds like he didn't show up for Mai's graduation thoughBut I'm super excited to see what you come up with next!
orangestorange chapter 5 . 6/24/2017
So much warm fluff! my heart can't take it ahhh 3
Samantha-Girl Scout chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
I think it was so sweet how you portrayed the two of them, and I could totally see John doing something like this! You're right he does deserve more works written about him, and I hope that the fandom will write more about him in the future.

Also... I may or may not have had a few tears in my eyes near the end. (Side note- I was listening to a yurima playlist on youtube and the song "Lord...Hold My Hand" ended up playing when I was finishing it... I think that it was really fitting so I wanted to share.)
Darkness7913 chapter 5 . 6/2/2016
This is so fluffy! Every chapter had that aww moment that cute fluffy scene! I love how they interact with each other!
Ghost loves japan 77 chapter 2 . 5/25/2016
Aww I love when Mai and Masai are friends and such a sweet story.
rosaji chapter 5 . 5/22/2016
Awe Ayako you made me cry! Her tough love is so unique.
rosaji chapter 4 . 5/22/2016
He is so nice , I can't believe he did that. I love Lin is my favorite character. I feel deep deep deep down he is a very caring person is just that he is very reserved.
rosaji chapter 3 . 5/22/2016
I have to say I love monk! Is is awesome and who wouldn't love a brother like him
rosaji chapter 2 . 5/22/2016
Totally impressed with Masako, she is caring but doesn't show it
rosaji chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
Awwwww John is just the best!
archangelBBQ chapter 5 . 2/14/2016
This is so very touching! Ayako is often my least favorite character in Ghost Hunt fanfiction because she can seem too shallow and selfish, but I knew I would love your depiction of her. And I most definitely did! No disappointment there. She is just the right blend of the seemingly self-absorbed fashionista but also very caring and generous. She has her human flaws but is still very likable. For once I can relate to her.

This is also so moving to me because I wish I had a figure like this in my life when I was Mai's age (or even now, haha) and it makes me very happy to see Mai to recognize how lucky she is. She is very lucky to be surrounded by such loving friends! And perhaps because I am closer to Ayako's age now, now that I am a little older I feel I would behave in such the same manner. Her passing along the necklace is very touching. I would like to think that Mai will collect good-luck charms from all her SPR family members eventually. The necklace from Ayako, the song from Takigawa... she can hold them dear to her even when she is far away from her friends.

Thank you again for sharing! I do love reading these little snapshots so very much.
archangelBBQ chapter 4 . 2/10/2016
Poor Mai! What an awful business for her to go through. I'm so glad she told Lin about her worry. Lin is indeed very perceptive and I'm glad he asked her. And it is just like him to care about his friends, his SPR family, in a deep and protective way but to also be very quiet about it. :) I imagine he is most protective of Mai in this way because she doesn't have anyone else to look after her.

Thank you again for sharing! I look forward to reading more!
archangelBBQ chapter 3 . 2/10/2016
So sweet! I have no words. This is the epitome of how Mai and Monk should be together, Takigawa as the kind and caring older brother and father figure Mai never had. It's just so sweet for him to look out for her the way he does, and the way you write them together is just perfect. The bit of teasing and seriousness is just perfect. You've really captured both of their characters perfectly. I love this so much and I'm so very glad to have read it this morning!
archangelBBQ chapter 2 . 2/10/2016
So cute! Masako is such a darling. I love how she hides her affection for Mai but is really concerned about her health and well-being. I agree that Masako doesn't deserve all the hate she receives. I have always thought Mai and Masako would become very close friends if given the time and space. Eventually, Naru wouldn't come between them, whatever it was that happened. And I love the voice of this section... I can't put my finger on it exactly, but it seems so very like Mai to me. It really feels true!
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