Reviews for Furihata Kouki is a Yaoi Manga artist
winterwolf23543 chapter 5 . 5/23
Furry oh my~
wiwi chapter 25 . 3/20
this is weird and never happened before but I ship your haizaki/kouki more than I ship my beloved akafuri
fukata chapter 25 . 2/20/2019
hello to you, are you still there? are you trying to cope with life? 'course you do, which explains why this fic is left on ch.25 :(. but all is well, nana-san. i understand that writing this would be so hard and judging from your notes, i see you are trying. somewhere around 2-3 years ago. ah, sorry, but i'm just one of the readers that somehow shows up at 2019 and in need to please this craving of yknowhatitis. but it's okay, nana-san. hope you're doing good in life, and while i would hope for an update, it's okay to just leave it be if you're no longer interested, i won't push :) thanks for the story.
JaceSienna98 chapter 25 . 1/27/2019
Sakurai made me cackle like an idiot in this chapter, seriously.
JaceSienna98 chapter 14 . 1/24/2019
Out of slight bias, since I really love the fanfic 'baby don't forget my name', I want Haizaki to end up with Nijimura.
Awesome story, by the way, you've got me cackling and grinning like an idiot!
Tsubasakura2 chapter 25 . 10/25/2018
Guest chapter 25 . 8/8/2018
Friggin fuck omigod this is awesome
The drama and the fraking plot thickens
Shite Furi’s life is gonna be in shambles
rinashi15 chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
Hello, you do not even know how much I love this story. So I have a question, are you going to continue the story or leave it? I can not wait to continue ... so much! Please write next
moonslayer6124 chapter 25 . 3/31/2018
HAHHAHAHA This chapter was definitely a good prelude to the convention! CANT WAIT FOR THAT TO HAPPEN! BUT Sakurai and Furi as like partners in crime sound so good! haizaki and nijimira mmmm mmmm DRAMA. ive loved reading this since forever especially since it includes my fave ships but onw thing i didnt like is how confusing the changing scenes were. like im not sure how to explaon this but when i cange a scene could u put a breaker between the paragraps cause it gets confusinf to findout whats a change of scene or a fkashbacck or smth. furi has such a supporting boyfriend and doesnt know itm im kinda mad he obvs doesnt deserve haizaki but the whole takao-akashi-midorima thing is wow too. im such a slut for drama u have no idea. aojine is definitely a special brand of stupid uts kinda holarious! well ill see u next time
Z0E the Queen chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
i was wishing that haizaki with nijimura. becoz i like uke haizaki. he so cute.
ReadtoFeels chapter 25 . 11/20/2017
Thank you for writing a story akafuri pair based that is more then 8 chapters I just enjoy long stories and build up I recently got into kuroko no basuke and have a crazy imagination this is what I exactly needed please do continue to update and hopefully write some more akafuri based stories no pressure I enjoy your writing update soon please
JustHere2observe chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
please update, stay healthy, and update
ahcorazhenyi chapter 25 . 10/18/2017
sighhhhhhhhh... what took you sooooo longggg? but anyway... thank you for updating... can't wait for the next chapter.. _
Futae chapter 25 . 10/18/2017
Oops !

The "guest" was me ;) I wasn't logged on my account !
Guest chapter 25 . 10/18/2017
Hello to you !

I've been following this AWESOME fanfiction since a long time and I absolutely love it ! The slow pace isn't a problem, although maybe your Akashi is a bit COLD. Like, really cold, that guy doesn't get the word "diplomacy". And for a rich heir like him, it could be a problem in the future...

I like your Furi, so sweet, yet, not so innocent. It's refreshing. (and you did a good job at covering every single ship in KnB, which is HUGE ! XD And by the way... I have the same point of view about Aomine, there's not enough Bottom!Mine in this world, but considering how lazy he is... I mean.. his "ukeness" is just so obvious... )

Yeay for a team up Saku/Furi ! In fact, i was wondering if you'd introduce him... 'cause it is said in the fanbook that Sakurai enjoys drawing, and here it finally is :D !

Anyway, thanks a lot for your hard work and for not making Haizaiki a complete piece of trash... (it's a shame we don't see his good side that much in fanfiction in general...)

Oh and excuse me for my bad English... As you can guess, it's not my native language, so I hope you got my point and my support ! ;)

Keep up the good work, I look forward to it !
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