Reviews for The Ricking Dead
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3
Daaaaaaaammmmmn this fic is so dark and I LOVE. IT.
JayTheWabbit chapter 1 . 10/9/2019
AhhhhI’m crying so much
PurpleNinja240 chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2017
Sad, but amazing. I can't wait for another of your work. High five!
YaBoiiKyuubi chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
It got really hard to read... I cant... theres not really words..just a deep sadness right in the center of my chest.
InsanityIsClarity chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
Dang this was dark. But every good. Kudos!
romeocitychicag chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
I'm not crying. Who would cry over this? (Runs away and sobs like a little girl). This was amazing.
SherlockedWho chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
This was so good! I will admit I predicted the end even though while I was reading I was hoping for a miracle to save Morty, but I do feel that this was the proper ending for this fic. Also, I feel that I should mention that I don't comment on stories often but I was a little shocked to see that you didn't have more favorites or comments, I was rather impressed with this fic.

SoulBrotherJake chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
Very dark but also very entertaining
Pyrokitty chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
I kinda hoped Morty would be a tame zombie or the kind of zombie that's docile for the first few days of unlife. After Rick's suicide attempt failed again, he would survive, fix his ship, and leave with Morty. He might still need a new Morty because I'm not sure an undead Morty would work as camouflage anymore. Would be cute if he started killing people just to feed Morty. Also cute if he tried to train Morty to eat animals. New Morty might get jealous of Rick babying Zombie Morty. Maybe Rick plays a game where he avoids getting bit. Would gave been cute and sad if Rick went nuts trying to find the cure while in denial that Morty can't be cured because he's dead. Maybe he starts to interpret some things Zombie Morty dose as his Morty slowly coming back to him. I love the decent into madness. Though it would be cute if a little bit of Morty was still in Zombie Morty. There's just something about bittersweet endings I love. So sad and cute.
This ending was pretty good too, it's just I'm greedy and wanted a longer story. And it wasn't too dark, too dark is like adding a rape for no good reason. As long as it moves the plot forward, adds character development, or ends it nice and neat like yours did, it's good.
Hope you write more Rick and Morty fanfics and know that somewhere in the multiverse of Rick and Morty, your story is cannon. Silly Rick must have let the charge die in his portal gun again.
Homicide.and.Suicide.777 chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
This is some pretty good shit right here. Nice. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
