Reviews for Home Movies
Killua Lawliet chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
dragonslayer111 chapter 1 . 1/14/2017
I like your story I always thought that lucas would be the first one to know the secret
Sparrow49 chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
Utterly adorable. Loved this!
chocolate-thief chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
YES YES YES AWWW IT'S SO CUTE! I love Lucas so much! His reaction was hilarious haha he's like umm ok so Henry just appeared in a 60 year old clip... I actually imagine him reacting sort of like this; not overly shocked because he reads graphic novels and believes in stuff like this. Great work I loved this story
JadedMarami chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
Well Played on Lucas' part - He still 'completes' the gift for Jo, but doesn't end up revealing for the others there that night.