Reviews for Keep Me
Marivalenzs chapter 10 . 5/3
Omg! This was awesome!
I expected some "I love you" tho, haha. Very good job.
WownotAgood1 chapter 8 . 11/14/2019
Yeah... the reason Hyde was depressed and drinking so much after the skank LEFT was because he realized he LOST Jackie for a fraud and he should have kicked the slut to the curb when she showed up! And Edna? PLEASE! She would never change like this,
THIS maybe fan fiction, but this story is pure fantasy, that and the author was probably extremely HIGH when they wrote this.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/2/2019
So freaking good!
ddoyle chapter 10 . 6/8/2018
I love this story. I read some reviews where they think the characters aren’t in character. But I truly believe even though they were immature and broken at the end of the show, that after a couple years without eachother, they would realize what they lost and become mature and find their way back together. Also love how he worked things out with Edna and finally told off Sam. Great story.
Logy81 chapter 10 . 5/17/2018
Ooh i read this in one go. Love everything! The pace, the plot, ur writing style, all of it. This is a remedy for me. Thanks for this.
Goldenbassets chapter 10 . 11/17/2017
This makes me so very happy
Goldenbassets chapter 8 . 10/5/2017
Yes! That's what I'd been waiting for! The unreasonable side of the brain needed to kick in at some point.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/10/2017
("Tiny chick" is kind of an offensive way to describe Jackie, by the way. Women don't generally like to be referred to as chicks.)
Guest chapter 2 . 1/10/2017
Nice start. I like that they've managed to stay friends. The storyline is also believable and well done so far. There are a few grammar errors and some spots where things are just worded incorrectly (or unnaturally), but overall this is a nice effort.
X-Breath of Fresh Air-X chapter 6 . 11/29/2016
I love the tennis shoe details! I keep imagining the characters as what the actors look like now! Jackie is an older Mila and Hyde is Danny with his full beard like in his new show The Ranch. Aweeee I wish Jackie and Hyde had resolved their problems or at least gotten back together in the 80s. Great Fic thank you!
MJ from NL chapter 1 . 6/20/2016
This is by far my favorite fan fiction ever! I have read it over and over again and it still touches me a lot! I still tear up sometimes when I read about Hyde and Edna. I love the mature relationship between Jackie and Hyde a looot! That is how I see the aftermath happening after the show was over. I of course love the ending!
Everything was perfect to me :)
Guest chapter 4 . 4/16/2016
Okay I can not read this anymore. The summary sounded good, the first chapter even but everything after just took a bad turn. Dialogue is unnatural. You have several grammatical errors and sometimes make entire lines unreadable. The characterizations are way off. I read other reviews here saying the characters have 'matured' that's just a nice way to say they are out of character. You had a good idea but it didn't come out well in your writing.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/4/2016
When are u writing more? This was really good I wish you would write and not only read
Sunfreckle chapter 10 . 3/13/2016
Oh...that was so sweet. And really believable! Great job :)
nannygirl chapter 10 . 1/28/2016
At last back for the last chapter of this wonderful story. Gotta say I was both excited and sad when I decided to read this last piece. I couldn’t with to see how you wrapped it up but also didn’t want it to be over. Good thing is I’ve still got one more of your stories to catch up soon after this!

Terrific start off to the chapter happening a few weeks after the trip to Vegas. Things have sort of gone back to normal, Jackie carrying on with her life and Hyde with his but it looks like one of them wants to change that. And I LOVE that it’s Hyde. It really fits with how we saw him in Vegas, he was the one who wished they could be together again but at the same time didn’t want to hurt her again. I love how Hyde was the one to call Jackie up, that’s a big step for him! And he doesn’t beat around the bush too much either, he wants to spend sometime with her and she does too—Yay! You did an awesome job writing their phone conversation too. Favorite part was where Jackie reminded that they were going to do something the next day with the rest of the gang and Hyde replies that ‘tomorrow is another day’ LOVED that! Especially since it gets Jackie to agree to coming over. A cute way to end the scene here: “The zenmaster leaned back on his chair in his office at Grooves, breathing heavily, not so sure if he was relieved or even more nervous about the upcoming meeting” Gotta love when Hyde’s zen cracks especially when it’s because of Jackie.

Wonderful to see an appearance from Donna! The way you wrote her was Fantabulous! She was so in character, in the early seasons character where you could tell that Donna and Jackie were really good friends who confided in each other. I was really happy to see that Jackie had not only repaired her relationship with Hyde where they were friends but she and Donna’s friendship appeared to be in tact too. Donna had a great reaction to Jackie and Hyde’s dinner plans, she doesn’t buy that it’s a ‘just friends’ kind of thing and Donna would totally be the one to point this out, she knows both Jackie and Hyde so well. Loved when Jackie finally admitted that Donna was right and she even admits that she’s not really over Hyde either and this trip to Vegas stirred up even more of those old feelings LOVELOVELOVELOVED when Donna pointed out that those feelings had bene there long before the Vegas trip, that was awesome and I can totally see it based on how we saw them in Vegas…and because they are Jackie and Hyde lol. Wonderfully written part here that sound SO much like something Donna would say, “I never told you that, but I was proud of you two. You were acting like actual grownups. But you have to admit it: you guys like each other. I guess you even still love each other.” It was so great to see Donna more supportive of Jackie and Hyde’s relationship and I think it wasn’t so much because of their relationship per say but really how happy they made each other and she wants her friends to be happy. Really liked when Donna pointed out to Jackie how much Hyde had changed for the better and how much Jackie herself had changed too, they were grown ups now. Jackie’s not sure if she can believe it but Donna’s words definitely got her thinking—and that’s a good sign!

LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVED the who part with Jackie arriving at Hydes apartment! It was sooo adorable! Her wearing a casual outfit AND the sneakers Hyde bought her LOVED that! And it’s adorable how he thinks she looks so good too; little thank you kiss on the cheek was so sweet! Also am absolutely in love with the fact that you had Hyde cooking dinner for them, Hyde would totally be a good cook! The mention of the pizza they shared in Vegas and Jackie’s fat girl episode was pretty funny. Aww I really loved the way that you added in Jackie finding the picture of Hyde and ‘Baby Steven’ so adorable, a nice little reminder of the trip to Vegas, why they took it and how it really did have a nice ending. Wonderful job in having that conversation lead into Jackie asking if Edna had been in contact since then, it was really nice to hear that she had. Maybe there is hope for Edna and Hyde’s relationship too. That was a big part of this story too and so I’m happy to see it getting a happy, hopeful ending. This part was BRILLIANT! LOVED IT SO Much! “"Thanks for pushing me to." "Except that I didn't. You were the one who actually decided to. And I'm proud of you." Really wonderful, powerful exchange between these two.

Nice to hear that dinner went well, a very great recap of all that happened and how Jackie was sure Donna’s warnings were not needed. But just as she starts thinking that dinner is over and the mood sort of changes, not in a bad way but in a more sincere and honest way. And it’s Hyde that makes that first move again—once again, I loved this greatly! And the way he doe this, telling her he missed her aww…When Hyde asks her what they are going to do and Jackie shrugs, it was almost like the roles were reversed for a minute and Hyde was getting a taste of what Jackie had gone through with him a few years back but Hyde isn’t going to let a shrug do the talking, he wants to hear from Jackie and he’s not walking away from them again. You did such an amazing job on Hyde’s speech to Jackie, it was so incredibly moving but also very Hyde like too, I liked how Jackie would sort of interrupt when she felt she needed to like when she told him he wasn’t a coward. And then the way you sew in the title of the story into the dialogue…Oh my gosh! LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVED THAT! AWESOME STUFF THERE! Could not stop smiling when I imagined Hyde’s reaction before he pulled her into that powerful kiss.

Wasn’t sure what was going to happen when Jackie started to push him away for a bit; poor Hyde thinking he’s already done something wrong lol Luckily Jackie assures him it’s nothing like that, she just has something for him and promises that he’ll like it. That was a really cute surprise Jackie coming back in wearing the nightgown; I really liked this exchange here: “"How did you know you'd be using this tonight if we were supposed to be just friends?" He smiled mischievously. "A girl's gotta be prepared." "Naughty Jackie," he teased, making her gasp in feigned shock. "As you have invited me over without ulterior motives, Steven." Such great stuff! And it makes me think that maybe Jackie had planned on saying something herself if Hyde hadn’t done so first OR maybe Jackie really did believe that Hyde was going to say something that night; she believed that that night they’d get back together again—for real this time. Either way I loved it! And your detail that followed of calling Jackie Hyde’s girlfriend not ex-girlfriend not friend but girlfriend—made me so happy! The last words exchanged between the two about never letting her go was adorable LOVED that! And your closing paragraph was awesome! It was totally Jackie! Knowing she’s have to tell Donna she was right (and not like doing so lol) but not caring because right now she was in Steven’s arms ‘her love’ ‘forver’ Awwww! What a very terrific way to end this story!

Marvelous work on this story once again! I so enjoyed reading this chapter and the story in general. It was a wonderful, creative and brilliantly written journey that you took Hyde and Jackie on and I’m so happy that it ended the way it did, the two of them back in each others arms—the way they should be! Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us! I look forward to reading more from you and hope to do so again very soon! Till then keep up the fabulous work!
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