Reviews for Dreaming in Red and Gold
kattythingz chapter 11 . 7/13
kattythingz chapter 5 . 7/12
these dorks are giving me a cavity and this is not okay
Shadow Eclipse chapter 11 . 8/1/2019
eeeeeeeeeeeeee so cute
infinitestormtales chapter 11 . 11/10/2018
I've read this story so many times now I practically know it of by heartit's a brilliant readand I must admit that I would love I sequel; however, I accept that it was meant to end here and a follow-up is a lot of work, especially with Drachma's culture so, personally, I would much prefer not having a sequel than write write something when not inspired it. But, if you find you do want to continue it but would rather not set it in Drachma, I might suggest writing it from Ed's pov. You have said that you prefer his head space. Or you are more than welcome to tell me to shut up. Either way, I love you stories!
The Perlustrator chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
Just a reminder that doesn't allow explicit content. If someone reports you, you could lose your account. I've seen it happen to others so protect your work. Ao3 doesn't care about pornfics so you could always post those parts there. I always try to warn authors when I see they have explicit stuff.
etherealtulip chapter 10 . 10/29/2017
what a coincidence! I just rewatched the sacred star of milos
Lin-Dragon-Dreyer chapter 10 . 4/28/2017
. . . I just teared up about apple pie.
Lin-Dragon-Dreyer chapter 6 . 4/27/2017
Lin-Dragon-Dreyer chapter 3 . 4/27/2017
I absolutely positively LOVE ANYA!
Guest chapter 11 . 2/13/2017
this is the first fic i ever read that was 100% only from Roys POV
(Ed is my fav, so i don't read fics that are all from others characters POVs)

but im glad i read this one! :D it was truly amazing!

great work, and thank you for sharing your amazing fic with us :3 you gave me hours of absolute enjoyment 3

i really want a more! maybe if you do ever make sequel it could be from Eds POV?
(or Roys..i would still love it either way)

ItStartsWithZ chapter 7 . 8/25/2016
Ed being able to have alchemy through Roy. that was.. heartwarming
ItStartsWithZ chapter 11 . 8/25/2016
i love it! Roy, Ed and everyone! It's nice to know that an author have spun a tale of what if it's Roy and Ed? you got me hooked! on another note, i'm not sure if the AU antagonist here is worth the trouble.. it seems.. rushed? but i still love it lol. kudos!
TheDreamFlareAlchemist chapter 11 . 8/14/2016
Perfect. Perfect is the only way to describe this fic. There's just so much I loved about it that I'm not going to type it all. I'm just gonna say thank you for writing this amazing piece of literature!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/9/2016
Super fucking adorable.
Sourire-19 chapter 11 . 6/24/2016
Hello. Great story!
Just wanted to point out a couple of things about Russian (sorry, if you were told before):
1. In Russian language Anya is not used as a diminutive form of Anastasia. It isn't even on the list of possible diminutive forms. Anastasia is usually called Nastya (the second most popular from is Asya).
2. 'Batya' is an old colloquialism. You won't hear anyone refering to their father with it. The two words Russians usually use are 'papa' and 'otets', with 'papa' being the most common one.
The rest of your Russian was really good!
Thank you for your hard work on this interesting story )
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