Reviews for I Got You
Guest chapter 2 . 7/8/2016
Beckyy chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Please update this story, or another one of your Emma/Howard FanFics, you have the most beautiful writing style! Absolutely gripped and looking forward to these continuing!
Thank you for sharing!
AlternativeRocker chapter 2 . 10/25/2015
Oh, they are a special pair, aren't they... This is all sorts of lovely and I wholeheartedly agree Emma would have been massive during the pregnancy - it would be just the thing to irritate her most.
Howard being banned from consultant meetings is hilarious and aww when she knew she was being harsh on him, lovely!
rjm40 chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
Love this! You have their voices spot on, and fluff like this is exactly what I needed to read this evening... Please continue it - hard though that might be after today's episode! x
AlternativeRocker chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
Oh, now this is so cute and I'm now in a happy bubble. The need for fluff is far too strong in terms of this pair and the little one, gosh they'd be such a good team. Loved that he obviously couldn't stop himself blurting out the news in front of everyone and that Emma wasn't too annoyed over it.