Reviews for Light in the Time of Shadows
Averlyn chapter 43 . 11/26/2018
Thank you for writing this, the way you wrote this story of love and hope in the midst of war is... was wonderful. In my heart with this story, I wish to read that those of Kaoru's Shinsengumi brothers and those of her own clan can one day make peace with each other. I think it'd be safe to say that I hope for a happily ever after, for all since they all are in a kind of hell vacuum that only war can make. I know this is a little over year since you last updated, but I do hope that - if you can and wish to - at some point you will continue.
tmmytmb chapter 7 . 10/23/2018
omg Kaoru cutting her hair and joining the Shinsengumi?! The Ishin Shishi’s greatest threat? An unexpected plot twist. Wow. Love it.
sulou chapter 43 . 9/6/2018
I sincerely hope you do finish this wonderfully amazing story. . . I have never associated anything "Rurouni Kenshin" with his creator, ever. Maybe its because I was introduced by way of an amv, then went straight to reading fanfiction, before actually watching the anime or reading the manga. In any case, Kenshin is so much more than his origins, and I truly hope that others can see that as well.

I'm not giving up on Kenshin, and I hope to see you back here again soon.

una chapter 43 . 8/26/2018
i with you
SterlingBee chapter 5 . 7/16/2018
Thank you for your story. I am just beginning it now and look forward to the ride!

I realise that you've discontinued the story at this time. I completely understand why. I was truly a sad and disappointing day when I heard about Watsuki's crimes.

I do think that stories and characters have their own lives outside of their creators, though. That is part of what fanfic is about. We take in stories as best as they are told and, if they leave an impact, we weave them into ourselves. And the story of our sweet Rurouni looking for redemption is one of those.
stargazer starluver chapter 36 . 5/27/2018
I love your style of writing and kudos to the amount of research that went into this
Scintilla of Myself chapter 43 . 1/13/2018
I don't pretend to understand why you have discontinued this fic, but I have not written a piece in a long time, so I imagine that I sort of know where you're coming from. Your story has been a true pleasure to read, and I'm glad that I've decided to enter this wonderful world you have created. Thank you.
- Scintilla of Myself
J Luc Pitard chapter 43 . 12/3/2017
I understand. I don't feel like the story of Rurouni Kenshin can be taken away, despite the creator's issues. I lost the love of one movie fan fiction when the main actor died recently. I just couldn't read new stories about it.

This case it different and if the muse leaves you, that's fine. This is fan fiction, not a job. You left your tale at a good point. The end of the revolution was clearly in sight and they'd survived the last (historically) major battle. If your muse pushes you, keep going. The characters weren't at fault. New stories can be told about them.

J Luc Pitard chapter 42 . 12/3/2017
Brilliant chapter. I really like the way that Kenshin's exhaustion with the killing, but willingness to do whatever needs to be done to secure the peace (in this story that's generally for the sake of Kaoru, but in the series he was that way throughout) is illustrated here. Kaoru perseveres as well and does it despite being misunderstood and pushed aside by the men on the other side (as well as some allies) and only at the very end does she lean on Kenshin and let herself be weak. Very nice.
ImpracticalDemon chapter 43 . 11/27/2017
You have created a wonderful world and story. Even though I came to Rurouni Kenshin via Hakuoki and a deep interest in the Shinsengumi, you have drawn me in with your writing and your characters. I have also appreciated the care and research that have gone into your work.

Whatever you decide to do next, you have contributed - have created - something of great value.

All the very best,

~ Imp
Zilka chapter 43 . 11/24/2017
I would really like for you to neatly wrap this wonderful story of yours up. Even with just a short little epilogue. I think all of us here know that the battle of toba fushimi was the end to the bakumatsu and the last time kenshin took any lives. As much as this is a story told by kaoru I've always felt this undertone of it actually being about kenshin and his struggle to hold onto his hope and humanity. So, you could very much leave it as is and call it a done deal.

Thank-you so much for your hard work and dedication to bringing us such a well written and utterly captivating peice of literature. Most of all I hope you have enjoyed writing it.

I wish you happiness and success in all your further ventures.
erzdylan chapter 43 . 11/26/2017
I understand where you are coming from, yet I firmly believe that at some point in our life, we commit sins. Some heavier than others, some more evil than others - regardless, a sin is a sin. However, I refused to believe that the man is a total devil, after all Kenshin was a product of his mind. I only hope that he find again that part of him which inspired him to create a character, so selfless it melted the heart of this fandom. I fell in love with Watsuki's Kenshin at 12, you and the rest of this fandom made me obsessed with him.

Whether this finish this or not is all up to you, but allow me to say this. A writer, whether he creates a new character or borrows other writer's character, builds a story based on his imagination. What I had seen here is not Watsuki but you. You made them the character they are based on how you perceive them, not how he created them. The mind I had glimpsed here is yours, the soul I had sense here is yours. Not him, not anyone's. Since the first chapter, I had regarded you as a friend. A person who weaves tales to keep me excited. A person who made me laugh and cry with a story so familiar yet so different - and for that I thank you. Through this story, I have known you and befriended you. Thank you and I hope that you will not give up writing. This is just one fandom. I hope to meet you again here or there. It really does not matter.

Again, thank you for making me love these characters again and again.
Guest chapter 43 . 11/21/2017

Kenshin is not him. Let Watsuki pay for his crimes alone.
I don’t even know what to do anymore if Kenshin gets dragged down by Watsuki and everyone stops writing RK fics because these stories written by fans like you give so much life to characters and make other fans like me happy.

You are an amazing writer and your story is beautiful. But I would respect whatever decision you make. No matter what happens to the fandom, Kenshin and his story will forever remain in our hearts.
WaterInk chapter 43 . 11/21/2017
I am with you and with all of the fandom. It is really heartbreaking. How can such a man create such an amazing character yet do such disgusting things? I do hope that Kenshin will be spared from Watsuki’s issues. He
Sessha Kenshin chapter 43 . 11/22/2017
Considering I write very explicit sexual encounters between characters Kenshin and Kaoru, I do find it highly disturbing that the once respected creator of these characters have committed such vile, abusive acts of young people. It's horrifying enough to know such realities exist and it definitely does not exempt anyone from being dishonored, and they must face consequences for their crimes.

With that in mind I would also like to believe authors such as ourselves should not be compared with the creator's personal life. Our own works exist with our efforts to see the characters we believe in, not in its creator.

Seems conflicting though that people can admire the work, without respecting the creator. But it's just as we still watch actors on interesting movies or shows, even though we know how their real lives are.

So I hope it does not discourage us from still liking Rurouni Kenshin for what it is, rather than from where it came from. And that it does not demotivate others from making your own creations.
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