Reviews for With Understanding
Eve62626 chapter 26 . 9/2/2018
Absolutely obsessed with this fanfic, I thought a first 26 chapters was short but then I saw the actual length of the chapters and (kid you not) squealed with joy. Such a nice story and deans character development was beyond life. The way you wrote cash’s character was absolutely amazing. As a fan of both supernatural and criminal minds I thing you really hit the nail on the head with how you wrote everyone’s character and how they would interact with each other. I really hope you write a sequel or something maybe involving heaven or sam? Anyway I absolutely loved this fanfic!
sunshine102897 chapter 26 . 5/28/2018
This story was absolutely amazing. You're a wonderful writer!
SinCos chapter 26 . 11/9/2017
I loved this and hated it and loved it all over again! Amazing plot, great character development and great pacing! This was great, there were hard subject matters with the captivity and noncon but it was handled very well and felt realistically resolved as both characters worked through their issues.
Secondtimereader chapter 23 . 7/17/2017
This story seriously deserves more recognition! Brilliant!
Casper97 chapter 26 . 7/1/2017
I loved this story so much!
fanfic-addict21 chapter 26 . 6/23/2017
I have faithfully followed every chapter of this exceptional story as it has been published, and may I say, "What a ride!" Your attention to detail has been exhaustive and meticulous. Your tone and style are mature and clear. The emotions you describe and engender are honest and logical. The many character perspectives are each unique. I have so enjoyed this story. It has stimulated my mind and made me contemplate so much. Your ending is satisfying, even! Not that I don't wish this story could just go on and on; I do! I can tell how much time and effort you have given us, your loyal readers. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Thrice be said, and done)
NorthernShinigami chapter 26 . 6/23/2017
The end?! But it NEEDS a sequel! (well, for JJ at least. A closer, of sorts. Maybe with Reid).

Well, that was a perfect ending to a prefect story!
TrintaC chapter 26 . 6/22/2017
3 sad if this is really the end but thank you for creating such a real world and sharing it.
1bookworm1 chapter 25 . 4/4/2017
The end made it so cute! I have to admit to be looking forward to the FBI's POV
Casper97 chapter 24 . 2/17/2017
AWW all the feels i cant take it
123JenniferS chapter 24 . 2/12/2017
Honestly, one of my favorite Destiel fic!
MCarreant chapter 24 . 2/10/2017
Hello. Beautiful is the word I'd use to describe your writing. Today I was thinking about your story and, voila, I saw you were posted this chapter and I couldn't resist the temptation your work use to light on me. I really have no words to express how much I like this story. I appreciate a lot your effort. Please, keep writing. Kisses. M.
boredtotears78 chapter 23 . 12/30/2016
Oh man! I am totally invested in this story and am always excited to see an update. this chapter and watching Castiel come to grips with how his life is changing was riveting and exciting to read. I look forward to the next installment! Thanks for gifting us this great story!
Visitor chapter 23 . 12/29/2016
I've never managed to sustain interest in a single story that took this long to be posted. But this continues to be my favorite. I can think of few stories that compare.
Just amazing. Can't wait for the next chapter!
fanfic-addict21 chapter 23 . 12/28/2016
I love this I love it so much! The careful consideration, Castiel's flaws, Dean's hangups, and especially all the other character appearances - they are all so three-dimensional. The bit with JJ was unexpected, but sweet. The Steins were awesome.
I have a feeling that Hotch is no fool, and that is going to come back to bite them (Cas and Dean) in the ass. Maybe Morgan can head him off? But Penelope would be on it, and she could have Charlie on her side, and I really wouldn't want Morgan to sacrifice his job. Optimally, they would all be clued in and write their reports obliquely to cover the supernatural. But I think they would all have to deal with the guilt of killing things that the rest of the world perceives as human, just like Cas is now.
Also, I really hope this is not the last chapter? Your writing and characterization are so detail-oriented and satisfying to me, your reader. I'm not sure I will ever be ready to be done reading this, and not sure if I should hug you or start bawling, or both. Probably both.
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