Reviews for Pioneers Dawn: The Rewrite
Alpha12 chapter 8 . 4/29/2019
Any chance of just starting over again and trying again? Because we don't have enough Robotech stories as is and I'd hate to lose one.
Priest chapter 8 . 4/30/2019
It is a shame that you are giving up on this story as I very much enjoy it.
hellhound-d.o.w chapter 8 . 4/29/2019
I'm sorry to hear you are discontinuing this. I really enjoyed both the original version and the rewrite and was patiently waiting for more. I fully understand though. I have my own ideas that I can't seem to finish. Most barely get started before my muse for it vanishes. Here's hoping that if someone does adopt it, they do up to your standards with it and don't shelf it and forget it. Keep up the good work on your other stories and take it easy.
Charles Hershey chapter 7 . 4/21/2019
This is a well written story and I have read it several times here and on TTH. It is in that context that I ask when will there be more as it has been 2 years since the last update. Please add more and thank you for what you have shared with us.
Priest chapter 7 . 7/21/2018
I like this one and would like to see where it is going some day.
cyclone1969 chapter 7 . 4/8/2018
Bring em down on a football (Soccer) Field During a live televised Match and just watch them try cover that up :)
Hikari Nova chapter 7 . 11/3/2017
interesting fic so far and I can't wait for your next update
chaoswizard chapter 7 . 9/22/2017
Keep it coming plz it is good
Hiei-Uchiha chapter 7 . 5/1/2017
Great job! I can't wait to see what happens next! Please update soon!
Umbra.Venator chapter 7 . 3/30/2017
Interesting story so far, looking forward to more chapters :)
skywiseskychan chapter 7 . 3/28/2017
An important chapter, but I'm sad to say that all it really does is emphasize the hit earth has taken. Oh and for me let me think about the balance or exchange rate of a few dead sunnydale kids vs those in a more successful invasion. But I'm a cold fish like that.
The Sithspawn chapter 7 . 3/10/2017
Good chapter!

Update again soon please!
WBH21C chapter 7 . 3/9/2017
So very well done!
MattKennedy chapter 7 . 3/7/2017
Yay! A new chapter! :) And the SFD-3's crew wakes up! Looking forward to when the all get up and talk about what their future will entail.
cko2 chapter 7 . 3/7/2017
Could always have them land in a certain magical school in scotland...just kidding. Nice to see an update. Not many people doing anything with robotech theses days since so much anime has come out.
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