Reviews for You are the reason I believe in love
Readingiswonderful chapter 70 . 6/27
Waiting for the next chapter. Want to read it very soon
min.mcg13.gingernewts chapter 70 . 6/10
I need another chapter! Your writing is so good ahh I need to know what happens next!
Isis the dog chapter 70 . 1/9
How cool that Jane and Anna's brother are getting along so well. Come on Anna, everyone loves a spa weekend! Edinburgh is awesome too! John wants to come too... Mary is pretty excited about getting the weekend started. Nothing wrong with jetting around in a private jet. Mary's just jealous that Anna is getting a lot more action than she is Tom is having a really good time! It's not Robert's fault that Tom can't hold his liquor. It is pretty darn funny though. Hahahahaha! No way they waxed John's chest without him waking up! That is too darn funny! Now Anna has a runway of pleasure to follow! Robert takes life way too seriously. It was time they left those little boys to their "fun". Ahhh! Anna has gone into labor! Oh man looks like it is going to be a near thing. Hurry John! You will never forgive yourself if you didn't make it for the birthing! Thank you for another super chapter! How can there be only two more chapters?
Guest chapter 70 . 1/9
Twins on their way out into the world!
Awesomegreentie chapter 70 . 1/8
I have a bad feeling about this private plane thing... And I’d be really pissed if I was his fiancé and someone ruined all that beautiful chest hair! Guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
Kukladoll89 chapter 70 . 1/8
yay! babies! I've been waiting for this))) poor John! he must have been very scared((
Skeeter0003 chapter 70 . 1/8
Yayayayayaya the babies are coming ... go John and Robert ... lol ... no ugh this time...yet...babies are coming ...thanks for the update ... oh yeah one ugh...only two chapters left :(
DragonflyLullaby chapter 69 . 9/19/2019
Please update soon!
Banna-nannas chapter 69 . 9/15/2019
A lot CAN happen in two weeks lol
And even though I’m sure you’ve got the ending already written, I’d loan you my own twin story if you want ;) nothing wrong with a boy AND a girl ;)
So glad you’ve updated
HowlingMadCoats chapter 69 . 9/15/2019
All these cliff hangers!?
Isis the dog chapter 69 . 9/15/2019
Hooray, an update! How sad when authorities allow someone to harass people and just move them on so they can do it again. Puppies? Too funny! Come on Anna John just wants them to be healthy. I am glad John was able to make Anna feel better about everything. Are you telling me you are going to put Banna through some more stress in the next two weeks? Come on! Maybe Anna will go into labor early...or at the wedding ceremony! You wouldn't do that to them, would you? I can hardly wait to find out but will be sad once this story is over. Thank you so very much for a lovely update!
Skeeter0003 chapter 69 . 9/15/2019
Yayay for the update...thank you both very very much...and such a sweet chapter... hmmmm two wks, yep a lot can happen and it best be happy happenings haha ... love love love this story
jjbird chapter 68 . 4/25/2019
Wow, just binged on this while binging on a DA rewatch. Very enjoyable story this! You do a very nice job on the portrayal of the characters in the modern setting, which makes it a delight to read. Thank you.
Awesomegreentie chapter 68 . 4/3/2019
GreAt chapter! So glad you've been writing recently!
Isis the dog chapter 68 . 4/1/2019
John is not happy about being attacked by Edna. Too bad Anna didn't hang around to see him rip her a new one! Are you kidding me that Edna thinks John owes her something for the treatments he, and his insurance, are PAYING her to administer? I think he should report her to the malpractice boards as she has basically assaulted him while he is her patient. Yikes! She will get in lots of trouble for sure! It makes me think if she has acted like this with other patients before too. What a slithering snake! Ahh! She tried to injure him? Hooray Anna has ridden to the rescue! Of course John would never cheat on her. I am so glad she trusted him enough to come back and find out the truth. Edna went so far as to purposely injure John? She is a psycho for sure! Come on John, there is no way you could have known Edna was a head case. There is no reason to blame anyone here. Yeah that Joy is cuddling with John :) Did Edna actually put a used condom in John's bag? Creepy! I still think John was going to make balloon animals out of condoms ;) HAHAHAHA! Love the expiration date! John should gargle with mouthwash too! Yucky! Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful chapter! All is rosy in Banna's garden once again!
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