Reviews for The Once Upon a Time Virtual Series, Season 3
Blazen chapter 20 . 4/1/2017
I hope you'll update eventually, this has been a very long wait. I'm not sure why are you writing this, especially considering how large is your staff and how organized everything is, but ouatvs needs more promotion, because many swanqueen fans have not heard of it. I hope this will become more popular and will continue for many episodes.
SwenToTheCore chapter 19 . 5/27/2016
Read whole thing over at the site and all I can say is:
NOOO! Regina! Why is chapter 20 not up yet? I need to know what happens.
the green knight chapter 16 . 10/26/2015
Just - thank you so much for this virtual series. The obvious hard work that is put into it and the well-thought out stories and characterization totally helps make up for the mess that the actual OUAT show has become. I love how carefully and logically you've incorporated the Arthurian legends as well (I'm a fan of Gawain's tales and was happy to see you include a bit of his legend as he often gets overlooked when it comes to Lancelot & Arthur). Fantastic job, please keep it up!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2015
Goodness, this took my breath sheer amount of work all of you lovely people have put into the site, magnificent. I wish you all the best and applaud your talent.
Donoterase chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
Awesome stuff.

I will definitely be reading every (complete) episode over ant ouatvs*dot*com - the illustrations are great.
VeniceRiley chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
Just saw this for the 1st time... How'd I miss it? Thanks for the URL .. I am over there now and the artwork and writing is outstanding.