Reviews for Nodus Tollens
SusanMarieS chapter 16 . 3/30/2019
why do I do this to myself. I start a long story that I know it's not complete. this is awesome. I truly hope you will continue it.
RosettaQueen20 chapter 16 . 1/12/2018
Heck. Freaking heck. I KNEW something was off... I really hope you would pick this story up and continue, even if it is unlikely after over a year of no updates...
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
this is so good
OnceSnow chapter 16 . 12/17/2016
Great chapter! Killian's growing feelings and connection with Emma are addressed beautifully, and the story continues to be clever and engaging.
Guest chapter 16 . 12/14/2016
I hope you will write more soon! You are doing a great job with this story!
Just Kiss Already chapter 16 . 11/29/2016
I don't really frequent for OUAT, so I never really know what's going on here. But as I was voting for the CS Awards, this title just drew me in, and so here I am. So, yay! I am loving your darker take on this tale. I have no idea how the heroes will pull this one off, but I am eager to see it play out. Thanks for sharing!
Anon chapter 10 . 11/15/2016
Just wanted to drop a quick line in the middle of binge reading all the chapters. I just discovered your story and I'm completely in love. It's got the grand sweeping feeling of fantasy and fairy tale but beautifully human characters. Please keep writing!
OnceSnow chapter 15 . 11/12/2016
Carly - great chapter, despite the dire warning in your note!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/19/2016
I have just recently found this. I am so glad that you haven't abandoned it. To be honest, at the beginning chapters I was a little confused. I wasn't sure where you were going with this. But the more I read the better it got! Loved all the twists and the way you made the story your own. I too like Regina, but I understand how she would be without the curse. Now, call me sentimental, but I'm holding out hope that Regina is lying about Snow and Jamie. That she actually has them in a dungeon somewhere under the castle. Well I can hope anyway, right? LOL Can't wait to read more!
PastOneonta chapter 16 . 10/9/2016
Killian's instincts about Emma were accurate. It wasn't Emma so there was no familiarity or welcome. If only he realized it sooner, though maybe it wouldn't have changed anything. The description of the castle was very good, the black stone, the silent suits of armor, and the smell of fire added to the experience as they walked through empty hallways. The statue of Regina triumphing over Snow's death was awful. Poor David! And Emma if she sees it. I don't see why Regina should survive other than Henry isn't ready. Everyone else is ready and hopefully soon Emma will arrive. This was a good place to break the chapter, even if it is leaving us wanting more!
lupis93 chapter 16 . 10/8/2016
Really looking forward for the next chapter and what will happen. Just how did Regina know what their plan was and when they were going to proceed with it.
lakariana chapter 16 . 10/7/2016
Ah the suspense! And why didn't they wait one more night, i thought they planed this! More please ;)
Somethingalltogether chapter 16 . 10/7/2016
Et tu, brute?

Pleased to see an update and I can't wait to see what happens.
PastOneonta chapter 15 . 10/4/2016
Welcome back and not to worry! We are still enjoying your story! It was lovely to see Nova and confirm the assistance of the fairies. Nova and Grumpy, or Dreamy, that's interesting! The discussion of whether or not the heroes would have to kill Regina was difficult. Henry has faith in people's inherent goodness and can't understand that some people might not reform. I think his words had impact, even on David. We will have to see. I am worried that they can capture and contain Regina. She certainly has more manipulation she is capable of. I loved Ella, Lexa and a new friendship with Roland. Killian deeply cares for Emma but I think he is hesitating or waiting for her. Looking forward to the rest!
Willofthewisp chapter 15 . 10/2/2016
I've missed this story so much. The slow burn is killing me in the best possible way. I also love how you write Emma in this. You've given her a distinctive personality that really isn't that far removed from the canon Emma. I know she wouldn't have the same issues had the curse never happened, but I think she'd be very similar to the way you write her. There is the stubbornness, the tendency toward low self-esteem...or not thinking about self-esteem, but also a warmth and that strength of being able to earn allies that is really her strong suit. Can't wait to see more chapters!
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