Reviews for Family Secrets
Sincerely-ADedicatedFan chapter 23 . 10/18/2017
The end. Thank you for giving it such a nice ending, it put a smile on my face before I started University this morning! This was a really great story, I loved it so much. I can't wait to read whatever story you publish next!
HotchRocks chapter 25 . 12/31/2015
So happy that Aaron's hair is growing back and that he's now cancer-free. Loved the vows he and Spencer spoke to each other when they renewed their vows. I also love how the team circled their wagons around their boss to protect him and his situation from nosy questions from LEOs while the team was on cases. And the 'balls' of that Sheriff to let it 'slip' to Cruz that Hotch had taken a nap. The nerve of some people. But glad that Aaron is all right again.
jenny crum chapter 25 . 12/30/2015
Awwww an awesome ending
HotchRocks chapter 24 . 12/23/2015
I know what Hotch is going through. I have a friend who has stage 4 lung cancer and lost all of her hair to chemo and is just starting to grow it back. But she cut if off at the time so when it grew back it would grow back evenly. Can't wait though for Hotch 's thick black hair to grow back again. It's so touching to see several people willing to shave their heads to support him, including Spencer. And Verity was so adorable wanting to do the same, but her school would frown on it. Glad Jack could come up with a compromise that her school would allow so she could show her support to her dad as well as Jack and his boyfriend who had their hair shaved off. My poor sweet Aaron. Here's hoping his cancer will go into remission and not come back, and that he and Spence can have their long, long and happy marriage.
jenny crum chapter 24 . 12/22/2015
Awwww this was an awesome chapter
HotchRocks chapter 23 . 12/16/2015
My poor, sweet Aaron. Why does everything bad keep happening to him since he was kidnapped years ago? It seems to be one thing after the other. Here's hoping the operation is successful and that the cancer hasn't spread, and that he doesn't need chemo afterward and can resume his job after all is over with. And also hope that he and Spence will marry and live their HEA with no more problems. Hotch doesn't need anything else going wrong.

I know the rest of the team will be there for him as will Jack, his boyfriend and Jess, and they will also be the best support group he could ever have.

Please don't let Aaron die else I will come after you. He and Spencer deserve their happy ending after Aaron lost seven years with Spencer previously.
HotchRocks chapter 22 . 12/14/2015
Poor Aaron. Here's hoping he's all right and all this worry is for nothing. Also glad that Dave and Spencer are going with him to the doctor for the further tests.
jenny crum chapter 22 . 12/14/2015
Poor Hotch, I hope that he's alright
HotchRocks chapter 21 . 12/9/2015
Loved that Aaron and Reid were able to make love after what Hotch has been through. And I'm sure he needs to take care of his eyes for the next 24 hours and I'm sure Reid will make sure he does. And so will Jack, Alfie and Verity. And I loved Verity's reaction when she saw her dad's ring. Can't wait to see the team's reaction and then their wedding.
jenny crum chapter 21 . 12/9/2015
I can't wait for more
HotchRocks chapter 20 . 12/2/2015
I know how that feels. I had an entire chapter written for my previous story and accidentally hit the wrong button and erased it instead of saving it, and couldn't get it back. I could have cried as I had it the exact way I wanted it after days of writing it. Had to re-write the entire thing. Sorry to hear your problem and glad I never downloaded Windows 10 and kept my Windows 7. I'll be waiting to your update.
tlcroft chapter 20 . 12/2/2015
I know how you feel. I had several stories ready to put up here but they've all disappeared when I upgraded to Windows 10. Good luck rewriting the chapter.
kateryne1 chapter 20 . 12/2/2015
I am really sorry for your lost chapter :( I sympathize entirely! (I think that we have all happened at least once, and this is never easy, even less for your situation! (that also happened to me once lost a chapter, I have the chance to remember anyway but I was still really frustrated rummaging through my memory to find it!I don't imagine for all restarting like you made, it's really depressing)

Good luck for the future :) See you a next time :)

HotchRocks chapter 19 . 11/27/2015
Glad Hotch is gonna be all right, but I agree with that EMT that Aaron was lucky this time, but he shouldn't take risks like this. He might not be so lucky next time. I also love Spence asking Aaron to marry him and giving him a ring. And he's right. The kids will be just as excited and thrilled as the team is for them. And Hotch must be getting better as he's getting a little frisky later after Aaron's eyes have had time to completely recover in about 48 hours or so.
jenny crum chapter 19 . 11/25/2015
Awww I loved it
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