Reviews for Hold On to Me
UnexpectedlyRomantic chapter 3 . 9/14/2019
Great story, i really love the background stories that you go into. It makes these characters so much more real. Thank you for sharing
FFG chapter 3 . 12/13/2018
Hello! So I have this idea for a Wolfbllod Maddian story, and I think you’re the right author to talk to about it.
You know like soulmates and how there’s like all these werewolf stories where the werewolf’s one goal is to find their mate or whatever? Well... what about a story where Amddy and Rhydian were mates? Idk, it’s just an idea.
If you have any questions, I have an account called FadingFadingGone, so feel free to PM me! (I’m just too lazy to sign in right now)
Also, i love this story. Amazing!
jkirsch chapter 3 . 7/22/2016
ilovecamedown said it best, I'm definitely 'bursting with Maddian cuteness' on this one! So well written as always. Very naughty of you though ending on that emotional cliffhanger with Mads considering whether to say 'I love you' to Rhydian. Through your stories you develop this emotional arc between the two of them that's so special and unique. I hope you get more ideas for a new adventure for them and their wolfblood mates to go on together. Can't say it enough: Bravo and well done.
jkirsch chapter 2 . 7/18/2016
Seeing the way you had Rhydian and Mads make up, OMG so adorable, poignant, words just fail me. You create this intimacy between them that has no parallel. They've hardly kissed and yet they come alive as a couple in your stories so effectively. I can't wait to read Ch. 3 and find out if Mads can teach Rhydian how to swim. I'm sensing some awkward (and fun) moments. Thanks again for sharing your gift of writing.
jkirsch chapter 1 . 7/17/2016
Ahhh such an awesome chapter! Laughed at times, cried at times. Poor Rhydian (and Mads). Wrong prank, wrong place, and wrong time. Your story also paints a picture of Mrs. Vaughn as such a great character, really giving her some depth. Can't wait to read the next two parts.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/30/2016
Please finish it
Libby chapter 2 . 3/10/2016
Omg best chapter ever it was so cute and hilarious I hope you know I praise you
Olivia chapter 3 . 3/1/2016
This was a really great ending to a brilliant story. Thank you for writing it! I know you saidd you don't have anymore ideas currently, but I am dying to see your original take on what happened after Series 3 when Maddy and Rhydian meet up in Canada on the mountain. Rhydian moving back in with the Smith's and he's now dating their daughter, oh I can only imagine embarrassed Maddy and Rhydian getting the "talk" again hahaha. Would they still go to school or start working? Funny enough April 21st, 2016 is in a little more than a month. Wonderr what kind of epic date Rhydian would plan out for them since they'd be away from Stoneybridge. They could have skype chats with jana (who I think would find it amusing and odd), tom, shan, and rhydian's parents to see how they're doing. Anyways, i think you could make a story like that way better than what i just wwrote! Thank you again!
HopePotterMasen chapter 3 . 2/9/2016
Absolutely amazing :D
You are a wonderful writer
I LOVE this story
I really enjoyed reading it so thank you for writing it.
moriahhh chapter 3 . 2/5/2016
Love it!
lovecamedown chapter 3 . 2/4/2016

As per I got way too excited about the email I got saying this was updated because, you know, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Honestly I don't know how you do this. You /get it/? You write them so well, and just..GAH. I love how you always add little pieces of headcanons in to your fics, like here when you wrote about the disco (and after the disco in the last chapter) in 2x09, it's just little insights that just show how much you think these things through and it's fabulous :')

The almost kisses KILLED ME. I was like. WHAT ARE YOU DOING. -chants- KISS KISS KISS
Also Maddy being all teasing like, lolll, you are so not going to last until you're eighteen, I was like :')))) cuties. And it's true. It's true.

I love how you write their bond and how comfortable they are with each other, but you still have that kind of hesitance between them, like when Rhydian's hands went under her top and he was like WOOPS and desperately tried to move them. Like, even though they technically touch each other all the time and they're really affectionate with each other, there's still like an innocence there? Does that even make sense? :')

Idk man, I just really loved this. You definitely didn't disappoint :') I will most likely be re-reading this whole story like really soon. Because it's just fabulous (as are you). Loveeeeeee :)))
Ben chapter 3 . 2/2/2016
luckyduck22 chapter 3 . 2/1/2016
Oh my, TELL HIM, tell him you love him Maddy, lol :) :) He already said it! unbeknownst to her of course! Total heart eyes by the end with just a bit of a loose end just incase you ever decide to continue it. I am personally excited to see you (eventually) get back to "We were a family once" because it was a great story, even though it was so very sad..the loss that Ceri and Gerwyn undergo and just basically seeing how Rhydian's life was changed forever by a series of small decisions. That being said, hah, if you ever decide to follow up with this sort of series of Maddy & Rhydian adventures, I humbly suggest seeing what happens on April 21st, 2016. It could be the date of their first date, or the date when Rhydian arrives in Canada (since to my recollection, the show was never too great with giving exact dates for episodes and all). I can imagine the dynamics between them would be changed after Series 3. I mean they spent so much time missing each other, I get the feeling it'd be kind of a "everything is out in the open now" as far as their feelings go, and it'd be so interesting to read, or see!

Maddy really is Rhydian's greatest ally, and his best friend, mate, confidant, love, and just his other half all wrapped into one person. I think your stories are always really well reviewed because of the emotion you manage to incorporate, it just makes it all feel that much more meaningful. That being said, Rhydian was a cute little charmer in this chapter ;) This line "money doesn't make me happy, you do" would have made me melt into a puddle of goo if I was Maddy, haha, so adorable! I was so thinking he'd kiss Maddy by the end but I get why you didn't. The fact that Rhydian was the one to ask Maddy to just spend more time together, just the two of them means so much..oh my heart, its just so on point. I mean they'll always be close friends, the five of them, but Rhydian and Maddy had that something special, just a closer bond.

I cracked up laughing when Rhydian was describing the look Emma gives him when he's near Maddy or checking her out, it's such a mom look, and Maddy good naturedly mocking him was just really in character. Dan is the more easy going parent, its true! Rhydian is such a cute little wolf puppy at heart, the way he jumped in the water in his wolf form once he was comfortable with swimming as a human, aww, he's so so adorable. So was Maddy with her confidently stating that there was no way Rhydian would make it to 18 without kissing her first, lol, she knows him better than he knows himself :)

These are all the thoughts I can pull together right now, I'm sure I'll have more to say after I reread it all, haha!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/1/2016
OMG yasss, they're so in love and I live it. Wonderful three part story.
bookgirl18 chapter 3 . 2/1/2016
I really like this story. Can't wait for your next one.
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